Mu Yue put the little bun on the bed and said softly, "Baby, you are here now. Mommy is going to heal your father. You have to be obedient, you know?"

The little bun was sitting on his baby bed, raised his slap-sized face, and nodded, "Hmm! Mom... Dad... hurts!"

Mu Yue smiled and touched Xiao Baozi's head, and quickly went to see the injuries on Xiao Junyan's body.

Xiao Junyan walked to the bed and sat down, taking off his clothes, his face also pale.

Mu Yue stood by the bed, watching the injuries on Xiao Junyan's body, her heart seemed to be severely grabbed, and her voice was a little choked, "How come there are so many wounds and internal injuries!"

Xiao Junyan suffered a lot of internal injuries. Although the external injuries looked serious, they were not as serious as internal injuries.

In fact, he was holding the little bun in his arms, in order to prevent the little bun from being injured, so many internal attacks fell on him, and he was resisted by him, and the injuries fell on him.

In the end, the injuries accumulated, and the internal injuries became more serious. No matter how hard Xiao Junyan resisted, his face would be very pale.

"It's okay!" Xiao Junyan raised his head and showed a pale smile at Mu Yue, softly comforting, "Don't worry!"

He also knew that Mu Yue had seen his injury, after all, her eyes could clearly see his physical condition.

Mu Yue's eyes were red, and she quickly took out the outpatient box, took out all the things that dealt with the injuries in it, and carefully helped Xiao Junyan deal with the wounds.

Xiao Junyan lowered his head and watched Mu Yue carefully treat the wound for herself, the corners of her pale lips rose slightly in a shallow arc.

Mu Yue handled the wounds very quickly. After disinfecting all the wounds, she applied the medicine and tied them up with a bandage.

"The trauma is healed!" Mu Yue breathed a sigh of relief and quickly turned around and said, "I'll help you get the medicine for internal injuries. After you take it, you will heal the injury!"

Xiao Junyan nodded, sat cross-legged on the bed, closing his eyes to heal his injuries.

Mu Yue found a lot of good medicines for internal injuries, and came to the room, "Take them all!"

Pour all the medicine in the medicine bottle one after another and hand it to Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan opened his eyes and looked at the seven or eight pills lying on the palm of Mu Yue's palm. A helpless and dumbfounded expression appeared on his face, "So many? Are you trying to kill me?"

But Mu Yue gave Xiao Junyan a fierce look, and ordered, "Let you eat and eat, your injury is very serious, hurry up!"

Xiao Junyan was stared fiercely by Mu Yue's eyes, and could only helplessly take the medicine and threw it into his own mouth to swallow.

Mu Yue caringly said to Xiao Junyan, "You take a rest first, I will go to see Xiao Baozi, you have suffered a lot of losses to protect him!"

With this, Mu Yue's eyes became redder, and he felt more guilty, and she couldn't show up in time to help them.

However, Xiao Junyan stretched out his hand, held Mu Yue's delicate hand, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'm fine, and Yuer is our son. It is normal for me to be the father's protective son. Don't be sad, I'm fine. Yes, don’t you know?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue muffled her voice, nodded, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "I know you will be fine, you should rest first and heal your injuries quickly!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Mu Yue's expression recovered, Xiao Junyan released his hand and reminded him, "Yu'er may have been frightened, please comfort him!"

"I know!"

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