Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3649: Desperate Great Elder 1

Mu Yue went to diagnose and treat Angelo and Catherine.

Both of them recovered very well.

Jason gratefully and caringly asked Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, how is my wife's condition?"

Mu Yue smiled and comforted Jason, "Mr. Jason, your wife Catherine is recovering very well! Don't worry, her body will be able to recover by the end of the year!"

After listening to Mu Yue's words, Jason and Catherine showed bright smiles on their faces, "Well, good, that's good, thank you Dr. Mu!"

"If there was no Dr. Mu, my life would have been gone!" Catherine said to Mu Yue gratefully, "Because of Dr. Mu, I can continue to taste the delicacy of this world, which makes me fall in love. Huaxia Kingdom!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Then, I have to come to Huaxia Country more in the future. Our Huaxia Country has a lot of good food, as well as beautiful natural scenery and human history!"

"Definitely!" Catherine nodded.

Mu Yue smiled and took out the silver needle again, "I will give Mrs. Catherine acupuncture again. The effect today will be very good!"

Catherine nodded and lay on the bed expertly, letting Mu Yue give herself acupuncture.

After the acupuncture, Catherine showed a relaxed smile on her face, "Doctor Mu, you are right, today I feel that the whole stomach is warm and the body is very relaxed."

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, put the silver needle away, and said, "Well, this is a good phenomenon. Take the prescription I prescribed to Mrs. Catherine well. The good medicine is bitter and beneficial to the disease!"

"Yes, yes!" Catherine nodded.

In order to cure her disease, just drinking such a bitter medicine is much better than chemotherapy. Naturally, she would not refuse.

And this treatment is still so effective, much better than chemotherapy.

After treating Catherine, Mu Yue went to treat Angelo again.

Many patients are now in the middle or late stage of treatment, so Mu Yue's treatment is very fast.

The recovery of each patient's body was in Mu Yue's expectation, and some patients recovered very quickly. This is also because they have good physical fitness and are relatively young, so they recover very quickly.

After treating these patients, it was not too early for Mu Yue to return home.

The little bun had been hungry for a long time, and when she saw Mu Yue, she cried, eagerly looking for the source of milk, and after finding it, she drank wildly there.

Mu Yue smiled and gently patted Xiao Baozi on the back. Seeing him so anxious, she felt a little guilty in her heart.

Elder Mu also touched Xiao Baozi's fleshy face with distress, and asked Mu Yue concerned, "Xiao Yue, how are the patients? Do you want to go this afternoon?"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded gently, and said, "I have to go, but, but I will be back early in the afternoon, and many patients' health has almost recovered!"

"That's good!" Father Mu happily touched his beard.

Elder Xiao said with concern, "So busy, after these patients are treated, we still have to take a rest!"

"Well, I will!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, "Furthermore, I was admitted to university, and I haven't had a day of class yet! I have to go to class next semester!"

Think about it, I thought I would be able to go to school in my sophomore year, but because these patients had to postpone the competition with Nangong Yuehua and Guwujie.

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