Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3650: Desperate Great Elder 2

The killers who went to attack Mu Yue and others have never returned to the ancient martial world.

This made Grand Elder Nangong, who had been waiting for the news, panicked in his heart.

Therefore, the elder sent someone to investigate the situation in the secret service department recently.

Sure enough, after investigating by the people sent out, I heard that several people were escorted by the secret service a few days ago, and I heard that they were going to kill Mu Haixuan and the others.

When he heard the news, the elder closed his eyes, only feeling that the strength of his whole body had disappeared.

"It seems that heaven is going to kill me!" The great elder let out a desperate sigh.

He didn't expect that so many killers were all masters in the realm of refining the void and combining the Tao. Moreover, the Shangguan family was also a master, and the masters of the two families combined were no match for Mu Yue and the others.

What happened? Did they deliberately set a trap to make them jump?

Now there is only one possibility!

Otherwise, their own people will not be subdued by them so easily.

Those people still had poison sacs in their mouths, and they were all captured alive.

"So, what about Mu Yue and the others?" The elder was the person who asked for the information again.

The reporting person told the elder what he knew, "They returned to the capital safely, and their lives returned to their previous lives, as if this thing had never happened!"

The great elder made a fist and hit the table fiercely.

Because of this powerful force, the table top instantly turned into seven or eight pieces, shattered and fell to the ground.

Seeing the great elder's angry behavior, the reporting person raised his head and glanced, and then quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak, for fear that he would be hurt by the fish.

The elder grinds his teeth and makes a creaking sound, "Ha ha ha, very good, it seems that we have been caught by them!"

Hearing the report, the elder was even more certain. It was not that Mu Yue and the others had a high cultivation base, but that Mu Yue and the others deliberately set a trap to let them jump in, and so many people were planted in it.

They really don't think about it, Mu Yue's cultivation is already the peak of the mid-stage of refining the void and the Dao, and it is possible to break through to the late stage of the refining of the void and the Dao at any time.

Moreover, Xiao Junyan's cultivation was still the peak of the late stage of Void Refining and Combination Dao, and now he has broken through to the peak of Void Refining and Combination Dao.

It can be said that besides those old guys, he is the person with the highest cultivation base, which is enough to increase the power of the secular world a lot.

Not to mention, there was Dongfang Sheng, the head of the mysterious doctor, who was present at the time, and Mu Yue developed the medicine in time, counterattacked them, and killed them by surprise.

As long as they were present at the time, they were either related to Mu Yue and the others, or they were dead, and the other two were still locked up. They didn't know all the causes and consequences of this.

"Go on!" The elder waved his hand decadently, feeling that his strength was gone.

As soon as the reporter heard this, he quickly turned and left the room.

The Great Elder raised his head and looked at the blue sky outside, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger, gritted his teeth, "God, you are going to kill me! Kill me!"

This time, he knew he had no chance.

"Mu Yue, I didn't expect that your fate is so hard, you won't die like this!" The eyes of the elder were full of thick hatred.

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