Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3651: Desperate Great Elder 3

The elder did not receive the news, and Nangong Wanting of the Shangguan family also never received the news.

Although the arrested elder Shangguan only confessed that it was the order of the elder Taishang, there was also news that reached her ears.

Nangong Wanting has never received any news, she is on the side of the elder Taishang who is practicing in retreat.

"Elder Taishang, anyone who has gone out, do you have any news to come back?" Nangong Wanting first pleased the elder Taishang and asked anxiously.

The elder Taishang opened his eyes, after calculating the time, frowned, and said, "I haven't come back yet!"

He was also a little puzzled and puzzled as to why they hadn't come back yet.

"Why haven't you come back for so long?" Nangong Wanting frowned and said.

The elder Taishang waved his hand, "Don't be too anxious about this matter, I'll ask someone to investigate it, and contact them by the way to ask what is going on?"

He also felt that it was just killing one person, and also knew that their current situation was very suitable for assassination.

But it hasn't appeared yet, has something happened?

"Then thank you Taishang Elder!" Nangong Wanting nodded and said.

The elder Taishang still reminded with a somewhat stern tone, “Don’t think about it, you just need to do your own thing. Now the mistress of the Shangguan family is you! You take care of your children. , Just fine!"

No one in the Shangguan clan knew that Shangguanying's cultivation was promoted entirely by medicine, and they all thought it was Shangguanying who relied on his own abilities and talents.

Because those medicines were privately given by Nangong Wanting.

These martial arts practitioners are not masters of traditional Chinese medicine like Mu Yue. Wangwenwenche has almost reached the pinnacle, and Shangguanying's physical condition can be seen at a glance.

Therefore, even these elders of the Shangguan family do not know that Shangguanying's future prospects have been ruined.

I only thought that the son born to Nangong Wanting was talented and hardworking.

This is also one of the reasons why the elder Taishang helped Nangong Wanting so much, and also because he didn't want the people who had insulted the reputation of the Shangguan family to come to the ancient martial arts again, so that their Shangguan family would be embarrassed again.

"Yes! I'll leave first. If you have any news from the Supreme Elder, you can send someone to tell me!" Regarding the words of the Supreme Elder, Nangong Wanting still pretended to be very well-behaved and agreed.

Although her identity was not enough, she was born to be a pretender, and she had never been a mistress in front of them, but was very polite to them.

Even the things she did to Nangong Yuehua didn't make them have any bad impressions, only that all of them were taken for granted.

No one made them feel that it was Nangong Yuehua who did something that did not obey women's way. They should do it. Moreover, Nangong Wanting did it to kill her relatives by righteousness and just did what she should do.

Therefore, this gave many elders a good impression, and gave them a few sons and daughters from the Shangguan family, which also gave them a lot of impression points.

Therefore, these Shangguan family elders gradually reduced their resistance to Nangong Wanting.

The elder Taishang waved his hand and let Nangong Wanting go down.

Nangong Wanting left first with unwillingness, just waiting for the news.

It's just that the news that is waiting is not the news that she wants to know.

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