Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3652: Can't take medicine 1

Nangong Wanting received the news with a shocked and unbelievable look on her face.

"What? How is it possible? How can you not kill that bitch?" Nangong Wanting gritted her teeth and asked the elder who came to inform.

The elder sighed and said, "We don't know the details of this matter, but we also made a guess. It may be that we have fallen into the trap they set, and they deliberately exposed the flaw to let us do it!"

Obviously, not only the elders of the Nangong family thought so, but even the elders of the Shangguan family thought so.

When the elder Taishang heard the report, his first thought was also defeated.

Only in this way is the best able to explain all this.

However, this ending also made them very unwilling and dissatisfied.

The elder Taishang could only sigh deeply, "Let's put this matter aside temporarily, and we will talk about it when they come to the ancient martial arts world!"

In the end, even if you are unwilling to accept such news, you can only accept it first.

Now their people have been arrested by Mu Haixuan and the others. It is impossible to rescue them from the Secret Service.

Not to mention the past, even now, there are almost all masters in the Secret Service. It is almost very difficult for them to rescue people.

So we can only give up this idea and wait until the ancient martial world and the secular world compete before making a decision.

The elder who was pushed over to spread the word, repeated the words of the elder Taishang to Nangong Wanting.

Nangong Wanting sank down on the sofa, with a look of horror on her face.

The elder glanced at the irritated Nangong Wanting, and clasped his fists, "Madam, if there is nothing to do, then I will go!"

Where could Nangong Wanting hear what the elders said, she didn't even care about the elders, and didn't even know when the elders left.

After being in a daze, I don't know how long Nangong Wanting came back to her senses.

"That bitch, why is she so fateful!" Nangong Wanting also gritted her teeth with anger, even more resentful in her heart.

Both the Nangong family and the Shangguan family sent so many masters to kill Mu Yue, how could this make Nangong Wanting reconciled?

Originally, she didn't want her son to do it himself, so she killed the **** here, let alone worrying about Mu Yue entering the ancient martial world to save Nangong Yuehua.

"Nangong Yuehua, how could your daughter of the evil kind have such good luck, so many masters sent out, can't be killed, **** it!" Nangong Wanting gritted her teeth.

Now Nangong Wanting is not to mention how envy and envy are in her heart. People who want to die are still alive. This is so embarrassing!

Thinking that Mu Yue was going to treat Nangong Yuehua's body, she suddenly couldn't bear it, and hurriedly went to Qian Lejun.

I want to ask her if Nangong Yuehua prescribes medicine.

"No, I have to ask mom why Nangong Yuehua is still alive!" A cold killing intent flashed in Nangong Wanting's eyes, but she didn't even think about how lucky Mu Yue was.

Because she had never received news of Nangong Yuehua's death, this made her very anxious.

Mu Yue would definitely enter the ancient martial world some time in advance. If she hadn't had time to administer the medicine and kill Nangong Yuehua, it would be bad if she really cured Nangong Yuehua.

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