Mu Yue was completely hiding at home during the National Day. Apart from treating the patients, after doing everything he did, he took care of the company's affairs and returned home to accompany the little buns.

Sitting on the blanket in the hall at home, holding the little bun and watching the military parade on TV.

The little bun stretched out a pair of small hands, a pair of calf jumping, babbling.

"Little bun, are you handsome?" Mu Yue asked while looking at the little bun with a smile.

The little bun raised his head and looked at Mu Yue with a smile on his face. The body was also standing upright, and he was still fighting like a stranger. However, this is also Mu Yue holding the little bun in both hands to give him support. .

"Hahaha!" Tang Yalan couldn't help but laughed loudly when she saw the appearance of the little bun, "I really am a hero!"

"It seems that our little baby will be used as a soldier in the future!" The third aunt also said with a haha ​​smile.

Everyone with status in the family went to the military parade one after another, even both Mr. Mu and Mr. Xiao were invited.

Mu Yue was also invited, but Mu Yue politely declined.

She didn't want to be the focus, she didn't want to be besieged, so she could only refuse and watch the military parade at home.

Moreover, the little bun is also at home and needs her to take care of, so no one can say anything about this reason.

Thinking of the banquet for the distinguished guests last night, all the distinguished guests wanted to see Mu Yue, which is enough to prove that Mu Yue appeared, and it is estimated that they will not even think about doing the tasks of their departments today.

After Mu Haihua explained that, everyone could only smile awkwardly, and didn't talk about it anymore.

Indeed, as soon as Mu Yue appeared, it was estimated that the eyes of those foreigners floated on Mu Yue's body, and they were probably turned into air, and the tasks they were assigned would probably not be completed.

Dongfang Sheng looked at the little bun with regret, "I don't know, what this little guy will do when he grows up, if he can inherit the inheritance of our mysterious doctor, it would be good!"

Although the inheritance is not from father to son, but from teacher to disciple, if Mu Yue inherits the school of Xuanyi, then Xiao Baozi will inherit from mother to son.

He has been watching since Xiao Baozi was born. Whether it is Xiao Baozi's physique or talent, it is very suitable for the mysterious doctor.

Just looking at the appearance of the little bun, it seems that it is better to be a soldier.

Mu Yue looked up at Dongfang Sheng and said with a smile, "Master, now the little bun is still young, and it won’t be too late for him to make a decision when he grows up, and there may be someone more suitable than the little bun, now everything It's still early!"

Then he blinked his eyes mischievously, and said jokingly, "You waited for me, didn't you wait for decades?"

Dongfang Sheng was taken aback, then laughed loudly, and nodded in agreement, "You're right!"

Indeed, Mu Yue is still very young now. With her cultivation and development, it will be no problem to find a descendant in another 50 or 60 years.

"Our little bun, what he wants to do in the future is better to let him choose!" Mu Yue lowered his head and looked at the little bun in his arms tenderly.

Inheriting one's own work is not a very easy time. It is not so easy for everyone to accept Chinese medicine and develop Chinese medicine.

She just wants her children to grow up happily and to do what she likes in her future life. She can do everything else.

Perhaps this is the common wish of motherhood!

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