As Mu Yue said, she still has to deal with those patients.

When the National Day was about to end, Mu Yue had to perform a meticulous examination on all the patients again and set the next prescription for them.

Of course, there are people who will be discharged from the hospital, such as Chris.

After Mu Yue examined himself, Chris asked in surprise, "Doctor Mu, can I really be discharged from the hospital?"

Mu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Naturally, you can be discharged from the hospital. In fact, after you wake up, your body has recovered. Keeping you in this hospital is to get rid of the remaining toxins in your body. Now that this period of time has passed It’s important to take the medicine. The toxins in your body are gone, so you can naturally leave the hospital!"

"It's great!" Adele said with a big smile on his face and gratefully said to Mu Yue, "Doctor Mu, thank you for saving my son!"

"I'm a doctor, this is what I should!" Mu Yue smiled lightly and said lightly.

Jesse smiled and glanced at Chris, "Now, everything has been resolved, I don't know Dr. Mu, can Chris work?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, and said, "It's best not to be too tired, but to rest and rest every day!"

"Okay, I get it!" Jesse nodded.

Chris smiled and said jokingly, "Even if you are tired, isn't Dr. Mu you still here?"

When these words came out, both Adele and Jesse laughed.

Mu Yue was a little bit dumbfounded, and said, "You don't cherish your life so much, it's no wonder that I, the next time I diagnose and treat you, my medical expenses will be higher than yours this time!" "

Chris heard it and laughed, and said, "Well, then I should cherish my own body a lot, I don't want me to make money for you!"

"Hahaha..." In the ward, there was a burst of pleasant laughter.

Chris suddenly turned his head, glanced at the cup of spiritual tea, and asked, "I don't know, Doctor Mu, can you sell this spiritual tea?"

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "My spirit tea is not sold, and there is a fixed amount every year!"

"Not for sale!" Chris heard it, very regretful.

"If you want, you can become a member of my medicated restaurant!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "As long as you become a member of my medicated restaurant, you can buy a certain amount of spiritual tea and medicinal liquor every month!" "

Now medicinal restaurants across the country are opening one after another, but they can still name a member.

Hearing what Mu Yue said, Chris had also heard of them.

They had also heard before that this medicinal wine and spirit tea are limited supplies of the medicated food restaurant, and they can only be obtained by becoming a member!

Chris asked just now, just to try his luck.

"Okay, I get it!" Chris also smiled helplessly and nodded.

He naturally understood Mu Yue's plan, but they could only jump in. Who made them want these things?

For them, it is also worthwhile to send one person every month to get a fixed amount of medicinal wine and spiritual tea.

"If there is nothing wrong, I will go to see other patients first!" Mu Yue and Chris said goodbye, "You can leave anytime!"

"Well, don't you want to leave too? When do you leave, I also leave!"

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