Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3664: Ready to go to the ancient martial world 1

Angelo and Catherine's illness are both in the early stages, and their recovery is also very good.

Mu Yue is also very satisfied and happy with the patient's recovery.

This in turn allowed her to get a lot of treatment fees and join her company.

Even Xiaomi Luo will return to China for the time being, and wait until Mu Yue is back, and then come to China.

This is also permitted by Mu Yue. After all, Xiaomi's relatives are in their own country, and they want to tell their parents and elders the good news about Xiaomi.

Of course, before leaving, Mu Yue still gave Xiaomiluo some backup medicine, just in case.

After dealing with these patients, I can finally go to the ancient martial world.

Thinking of finally being able to travel to the ancient martial world, Mu Yue was still very excited.

"Oh, little bun, you have to go with your mom and dad again, too grandpa can't bear you!" Old man Mu hugged the little bun, his old face was reluctant.

The little bun was giggling, waving his chubby and thin, very excited.

You can go out to play with Mommy again. Although there is a smelly bun, the little bun is still very happy.

"When are you coming back?" Tang Yalan asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "I want to rescue my mother in the ancient martial arts world. I don't know when it will succeed, and the specific time is still unknown!"

"As soon as you enter the ancient martial world, don't I have any news?" Tang Yalan asked Mu Yue worriedly.

Xiao Junyan said lightly, "I will send someone out to spread the news!"

"That's good!" Tang Yalan nodded, but still reminded those who were concerned, "You have to pay attention to safety when you go to the ancient martial world!"

She also heard about the incident between Guwujie and Mu Yue, and the previous assassinations, so she was worried that they would be dangerous if they went.

"Mom, don't worry, they dare not be blatant!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Tang Yalan.

Tang Yalan nodded, "Anyway, it's better to be careful!"

"Well, we know!" Mu Yue laughed.

Tang Yalan said regretfully, "Oh, I want to go with you too, so that I can help you take care of the little buns!"

She also knew that if she went by herself, it could only be regarded as a hindrance, and it would be better not to go.

"It's okay, there are many people taking care of the little buns. Now the little buns are quite big. You don't need to drink milk every day, you can drink milk powder!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Tang Yalan.

Tang Yalan is still extremely reluctant, "I really can't bear the little bun!"

Mu Yue could only smile helplessly, and glanced at the little bun who was in his arms by the old man.

Now everyone is most reluctant to be the little buns.

This time, it was different from Mu Yue and the others looking for a Chinese medicinal planting base.

It has been months since Xiao Baozi left, and they don't know when they will come back, and they don't know when they will see Xiao Baozi again.

Maybe, this little bun will be able to walk on the ground when he comes back.

"Are you all ready?" Mu Haixuan came down from the stairs and asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue turned to look at Mu Haixuan, nodded and said, "Well, it's ready, just wait for tomorrow morning to leave!"

"Well, I'll go to the Secret Service first!" Mu Haixuan nodded and said, "It will take a few months to go, so prepare something!"

"I see!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

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