Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3665: Ready to go to Guwujie 2

In the morning, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan got up early, and after tidying up their things, they left Mu's house with the little bun who was still asleep.

Elder Mu looked at the little bun who was sleeping in Mu Yue's arms, "Hey, little bun, you are going to the ancient martial world now, so grandpa can't bear you!"

Mu Yue smiled and glanced at the little bun in his arms, "Grandpa, then let's go!"

"Yeah!" Elder Mu nodded and waved at Mu Yue and the others, "Let's go, come back as soon as possible!"

Knowing that all his children and grandchildren have things to be busy with, he can't stop him, he can only let go.

Mu Yue and Mu Haixuan came to the airport of the military region together.

However, when he was on the road, Xiao Baozi woke up, rubbed his eyes with a pair of fleshy hands, looked around in confusion, saw Mu Yue, his little head rubbed in her arms.

"Little bun, wake up, we are going to fly soon!" Mu Yue smiled and looked at the little bun in his arms, her eyes gentle.

Because this time a group of people went to the Guwu Realm together, and they landed directly at an airport outside the Guwu Realm, so they were directly on the military area plane.

Coming to the military area square, Mu Yue got out of the car with the little bun, and saw that the Guwu masters of the Secret Service had gathered on the airport, all preparing various things.

Seeing the arrival of Mu Haixuan and the others, everyone curiously cast their eyes on the little bun in Mu Yue's arms.

Seeing the little bun stretch out his body, I was curious.

They haven't seen the little buns before, and now they see the little buns, and everyone likes it very much.

Seeing so many people, Xiao Baozi didn't even recognize her birth. Instead, she waved her hands in excitement, jumping her body in Mu Yue's arms.

Mu Yue looked at the noisy little bun and was a little bit dumbfounded. If it weren't for being a master of cultivating emptiness and harmony, I guess he wouldn't be able to hold this little guy.

"Little bun, can you be quiet? Mommy won't be able to hold it anymore. If you move, let your father hold it!" Mu Yue threatened the little bun in his arms in an angry manner.

Sure enough, the little bun stopped making noise when he heard Mu Yue's words, and lay on Mu Yue's shoulders, becoming a very well-behaved appearance.

Mu Yue laughed when she saw the change of Xiao Baozi, and touched his head.

Xiao Junyan turned his head, squinted his eyes at the little bun lying on Mu Yue's shoulders, this stinky boy.

"I will move my luggage to the plane first!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, good!"

Mu Yu was the only one in these secret service bureaus who had seen and hugged a little bun.

As soon as he saw the little bun, he ran over and greeted the little bun in Mu Yue's arms with a smile.

"Junior sister, let me hug it, holding the little bun must be very tired!" Mu Yu said to Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, "Okay, I want to tidy up things too!"

With that said, he held the little bun to Mu Yu and let him hold it.

The little bun's face was a bit wronged, but he was comforted by Mu Yue, and he was still obediently taken away by Mu Yu.

Mu Yue was busy with his own affairs, and Mu Yu embraced the Secret Service team, all teasing the little buns in the busy.

The little buns got acquainted with everyone, and gave them big smiles, and in an instant, they became everyone's little treasures.

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