Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3666: Ready to go to Guwu Realm 3

The entrance of Guwujie is in Kunlun Mountain.

And this Kunlun Mountain is also where the Kunlun School of Master Xiao Junyan is located.

Since Xiao Junyan's life and death, Han Tao has returned to the Kunlun School and said that he would retreat, but he has never appeared.

When the plane arrived at the airport, Mu Yue and others all got off the plane.

After flying all the way, everyone felt very tired, and planned to stay in the Kunlun School for one night.

The Kunlun School has a highly respected position no matter in the ancient martial world or in the secular world.

The entrance to the ancient martial world was also stationed by Kunlun, not only to ensure that people in the ancient martial world would not come out and hurt people at will, but also to ensure that the secular world would not disturb life in the ancient martial world at will.

The Secret Service in the secular world was also established by the Kunlun faction to maintain the stability of China.

Mu Yue held the little bun who had a nap in her arms and became active again.

The little bun who changed another place was very excited, and he was about to rush forward.

"Little Bun, wait, let's wait for Dad and go with Dad and Grandpa!" Mu Yue smiled and comforted Little Bun.

Everyone needs to move things, and Mu Yue takes care of the little bun. She only needs to hold the little bun, and there are more things for other people.

Mu Yue watched Xiao Junyan and the others carry things. For them, it was very easy for them to get heavy things into their hands.

"Let's go up first!" Xiao Junyan walked to Mu Yue's side and said.

Mu Yue nodded, and went up the mountain together with the little bun, while still asking curiously, "Master, is he out of the barrier?"

"It's already out!" Xiao Junyan nodded and said, "Master doesn't like going out! So there is nothing important, he won't go down the mountain!"

Mu Yue laughed and said, "Hehe, okay, it's no wonder that the little bun was born and he didn't come down!"

Xiao Junyan shook his head, and said, "At that time, I contacted the master, but the master was in retreat, so he didn't go down the mountain without receiving any news!

"It turned out to be like this!" Mu Yue nodded suddenly when she heard this, "When did the master leave the customs?"

"A month ago!" Xiao Junyan explained, "The ancient martial world and the secular world are competing, the master has calculated the time!"

Mu Yue nodded in understanding again, and chatted up the mountain with Xiao Junyan, "Where do we live?"

"I have a yard here, and other people will sleep in the guest room!" Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue and said softly.

Mu Yue's eyes lit up and she asked curiously, "Do you have a separate yard here? It seems that your status is quite high!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with a smile on his mouth, and explained, "Master is the former head of the Kunlun School!"

Mu Yue suddenly realized, and said in surprise, "Master is such an identity! Since you are the head, why didn't you succeed in the head?"

She remembered that Han Tao’s only apprentice was Xiao Junyan, and he was generally the apprentice who succeeded him as the head!

"I belong to the country!" Xiao Junyan explained everything in a simple way.

He was sent by the country to the Kunlun Sect to learn ancient martial arts. After completing his studies, he belonged to the country.

It is impossible for the Kunlun School to allow people from a country to be the head of the Kunlun School, so even if Han Tao resigns, he will naturally be replaced by someone else.

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