Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3667: Arrived at Kunlun Pai 1

"Then who is the one who succeeds in the head now?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Xiao Junyan explained, "It's Chen Yuansheng, the apprentice of the Great Elder!"

"What is his cultivation base?" Mu Yue still asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

She wanted to know what cultivation level the head of the Kunlun faction would be, so that she could guess about the situation in the ancient martial world.

"In the middle stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao!" Xiao Junyan said lightly.

Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and asked, "How old are you?"

"Forty-five years old!"

Mu Yue nodded, "That's fine too!"

At the age of forty-five years old to break through to the middle stage of refining the void and combining the Tao, this talent is also considered acceptable.

Xiao Junyan raised his head and glanced at the gate of Kunlun Mountain, and said to Mu Yue with concern, "It's almost here, I will take you to my yard first!"

Due to the relationship between Xiao Junyan's position and the Kunlun School, his yard has always been vacant, and this is justified.

When Mu Yue looked up, he saw a gate made of white jade stone. It stood halfway up the mountain. On the lintel, it was written three dragons flying and phoenix dancing in large characters, "Kunlun School!"

At the gate, two young men stood upright.

The young man saw Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue appearing, one of them stepped forward and asked, "Who are you!"

"Xiao Junyan!" Xiao Junyan said after reporting his name.

Upon hearing Xiao Junyan's name, the two young men hurriedly clasped their fists respectfully, "It turns out to be Master Xiao!"

"Master Xiao, you are here, and the head has notified us that as soon as you come, let us take you to see him!" the youth explained.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Well, okay, there are people behind, arrange them!"

"Yes, the head has already told us, and the guest room is ready!"

Since they were about to enter the ancient martial world, the people of the Kunlun School naturally knew it, but they didn't know the people who came.

Xiao Junyan had left the Kunlun faction for more than ten years, and none of these young people knew him.

"Let's go and meet the head brother first!" Xiao Junyan lowered his head and said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, she listened to him, "Hmm!"

Xiao Junyan followed his disciples to the hall and saw the head of the Kunlun School who was waiting in the hall.

The movement in the sky can't hide them, knowing their arrival, they have been waiting.

And waiting with the head of the Kunlun School were some other people from the Kunlun School, including Xiao Junyan's master Han Tao.

The disciple took Mu Yue and them into the hall together.

Chen Yuansheng smiled and led people to greet Xiao Junyan, "Junior Brother Xiao, I finally saw you. It's been a long time for you to leave!"

Xiao Junyan held a fist at Chen Yuansheng, "Brother head!"

"Oh! Is this my disciple-grandson?" Han Tao walked over, staring straight at Mu Yue's nanny baby bun in his arms.

Little Baozi pierced his big eyes, looked at Han Tao and blinked, then slumped on Mu Yue's shoulder.

The look in the old man's eyes was so terrible and so hot that he was a little flustered.

When Han Tao saw Xiao Baozi dislike him, his old face showed a heartache, "Smelly boy! I'm your master!"

Unexpectedly, this little bun should not give him face so much, and even directly gave him a back, so angry at him!

Everyone heard Han Tao's angry and depressed cry, causing everyone to turn their heads and look at him.

In an instant, everyone in the entire hall looked a little embarrassed.

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