Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3670: Guwujie children exit 1

After everyone discussed, Mu Yue also asked Xiao Junyan to let him take her to his yard.

Xiao Junyan smiled and took Mu Yue to his yard together.

And the little bun, after being hugged by Han Tao, even Mu Yue didn't even think about it.

In this regard, Xiao Junyan was happy to see it, so that the little bun would not pester Mu Yue, and he would not be jealous.

The little bun felt wronged in his heart. If Han Tao hadn't always made him some fun things, he would have already wanted to rush into Mu Yue's arms.

Xiao Junyan's yard is not small, but it does not fight, at least enough for one person to live in, bedroom, study and kitchen.

"Is this your yard in Kunlun School?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Xiao Junyan nodded and said, "Well, I have always lived here!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, "Then I'm going to check it out!"

Han Tao also entered the yard holding the little bun at this time, and smiled and said to the little bun, "Little baby, this is where you used to live, do you like it? If you like it, Master gave you this yard, no I'm giving you stinky cakes!"

When the little bun heard Han Tao's words, a bright smile appeared on his little face, and his little head nodded fiercely.

Although Han Tao didn't hear Xiao Baozi's answer, he laughed happily when he saw him nodding.

"Hahaha...little baby, you are so smart, smarter than your stinky papa. Master will pass on all your skills to you in the future. You will be stronger than your stinky papa in the future, and better than your stinky papa. Strong!" Han Tao said to the little bun happily.

Little Bun could understand what Mu Yue said, but he couldn't say it, and he also understood what Han Tao said, so he nodded his little head heavily.

Then, he hugged Han Tao's old face with his fleshy arms, and kissed him fiercely, which made Han Tao drool all over his face.

However, Han Tao didn't dislike Xiao Baozi at all, making his face all drooling, on the contrary he was very happy.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan didn't know what Han Tao had done with the little bun outside.

Mu Yue turned around and found that Xiao Junyan's life before was really too simple.

Apart from the necessary furniture, there is really nothing in the room. It is estimated that even the quilt is new.

"Is this the same as the one you lived in before?" Mu Yue turned his head and asked Xiao Junyan curiously.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Yeah!"

"It's so simple!" Mu Yue said distressedly.

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue into his arms, his eyes softly said, "Now I have you! Home is where you are!"

Mu Yue turned his head, looked at Xiao Junyan, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and nodded, "Well, in the future, we will have our own home. When we go back, we will take the little buns and live in our house. Live our family life!"

Xiao Junyan frowned when he heard it, but he felt that there was no need to bring the little bun, as he and Mu Yue could live together in the two-person world.

"Why? Not happy?" Mu Yue asked inexplicably when he saw Xiao Junyan frown.

Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue and said, "No need for the little bun! Let's live together!"

Hearing the words, Mu Yue laughed out loud, unexpectedly this jealous jar would be jealous of her son again!

"Hey, when will your jealousy disappear!" Mu Yue shook her head helplessly, but her heart was warm, leaning against Xiao Junyan's chest.

"Never! It's dead, and it won't!"

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