Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3671: Guwujie children exit 2

In a box in a teahouse in Guwujie.

In the box, there are already a few young people and girls sitting.

If Xiao Junyan were here, he would be able to recognize that these people are the young children of the four major families participating in this competition between the ancient martial arts and the secular world, and they are also the young masters and young masters of the family.

These people are all in the last few days, because the secular world and the ancient martial world have been out of practice because of the competition.

People from the secular world want to come to the ancient martial world, they naturally care very much, so they come out to gather and have a chat.

"People from the secular world will come tomorrow. What do you think?" Ouyang Tianyu, a young man in a white robe, poured himself a cup of tea, smiled and glanced at the crowd sitting at the table.

"Huh, no matter how talented you are, you can't be better than people in the ancient martial arts world!" Zhuge Jin said proudly.

"Haha, Young Master Zhuge, you have broken through to Lianxu Hedao, but you also need to know that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world!" Nangong Yangchen reminded Zhuge Jin with a smile.

"Nangong, I heard that you have left the customs a long time ago, and you have also been out of the secular world. Have you ever played against people in the secular world?" Shangguan asked Nangong Yangchen with a somewhat curious tone.

Nangong Yang Chen shook his head with a light smile, and said helplessly, "No!"

"How can you grow others' aspirations and destroy your own prestige without you!" Zhuge Jin curled his lips and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Although I haven't played against him, I guessed from the survey data, haven't you guys received the news?" Nangong Yangchen asked, looking at everyone.

Zhugeyan held her chin with her hands and cut, "I don't believe it. This is only the information of the investigation, and it may be that you are exaggerating!"

"It's not an exaggeration, it's true!" Nangong Yang Chen sighed softly, knowing that they didn't believe their words, "Anyway, tomorrow, people from the secular world will enter the ancient martial world, you can go and see!"

Every time people from the secular world enter the ancient martial arts world, they will be greeted by the four major families, but the number of people greeted depends on the power of the secular world or the attitude towards them.

"Then I'm going to see if it's as powerful as the news!" Shangguan Lian clenched his fists and said confidently.

He was very confident in his cultivation in the early stage of refining the Void and He Dao.

He didn't think that Xiao Junyan, who was younger than him, would actually be better than him. Although he was only one year younger, he was still young and couldn't be better than him.

Nangong Yangchen saw the appearance of the people, so he could only sigh helplessly and shook his head, "Whatever you think!"

"Oh! By the way, I heard that there is Nangong Yuehua who participated in the competition this time...what is the name of that daughter, she seems to be Mu Yue, right? She is also participating!" Zhugeyan's eyes flashed With a bright light, he glanced at Nangong Yangchen and Shangguanlian.

Here are people with status in the four major families. Although the young leader of the Shangguan family is Shangguan Ying, because of his mother Nangong Wanting, everyone is not in tune with him, so even this kind of private He would not attend the party.

Although Shangguan Ying is not here, but Shangguan is here, he is also a member of the Shangguan family.

Speaking of this incident is tantamount to uncovering the scars of the Shangguan family.

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