Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3672: The children of ancient martial arts exit 3

"Speaking of that woman, I heard that when Nangong Yan went out of the secular world, he wanted to kill her, but was arrested for a righteous act. Hasn't he been released yet?" Zhuge Jin raised her eyebrows, also curious. Asked.

Nangong Yangchen glanced at Shangguan Company and said, "Not yet!"

"Tsk!" Ouyang Pei curled his lips in disdain, "Mu Yue and him have no grudges. To do this thankless thing, he just dug a hole and buried himself. It deserves it!"

Everyone was surprised and puzzled by the fact that Nangong Yan and Shangguan's family had joined forces to kill Mu Yue.

If the Shangguan family did it, there was still a reason, but there was no reason for Nangong Yan to do it.

Although Mu Yue's identity is a bit special, she is at least a member of the Nangong family, and is also the daughter of Miss Nangong Patriarch, who is regarded as the Patriarch's granddaughter.

Even if he was not recognized, the blood of the Nangong family was still flowing in his body.

Therefore, everyone can't figure out why Nangong Banquet wanted to kill Mu Yue.

The only people who know are probably that few people!

Nangong Yangchen shook his head, but chuckled softly, and said, "He died by himself, no wonder, but he gave up the position of Young Master so much. I also want to thank him!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it.

Although they used to mix with Nangong Banquet before, but this time, Nangong Banquet was really stupid, no wonder they laughed at him.

"I don't know, that Mu Yue, how high her cultivation level is, she has the courage to sign up for the competition!" Shangguan Lian snorted, disdainfully said.

In his eyesight, Mu Yue, who was just 20 years old, was not qualified to participate in the competition at all.

Although there are also twenty-year-old girls in their family, they are not participating in the competition between the ancient martial arts world and the secular world, but the ancient martial arts family competition. After all, they are very self-aware.

Nangong Yangchen frowned and said, "I don't know the specifics, but from my survey data, her cultivation base is quite high!"

"How tall can it be, can it be taller than us? I don't believe it!" Zhuge Yan said proudly.

These children of the Guwu family have their own arrogance for their cultivation talents, and they don't think outsiders are more powerful than them.

Nangong Yangchen didn't refute, knowing that they would definitely not believe it, and said, "You can go and see for yourself, after all, she is the one hundred and nineteenth generation of the mysterious doctor!"

"Cut, it's just a sect in the secular world!" Zhuge Yan said with disdain.

Zhuge Jin touched Zhuge Yan's head and reminded him, "There are some outsiders and there are heavens and heavens!"

"Brother, don't you think I can't beat him?" Zhuge Yan asked Zhuge Jin a little dissatisfied.

Zhuge Jin laughed and said, "No, just remind you not to be careless! However, you two will not run into each other!"

With Zhuge Yan's cultivation base, he is not qualified to participate in the competition between the secular world and the ancient martial world. Therefore, Zhuge Jin said that the two people have no chance to fight.

Zhuge Yan shook hands, "I can challenge!"

"Very ambitious!" Nangong Yangchen threw four words to Zhuge Yan.

Zhuge Yan said proudly, "Hmph, wait, I'll beat Mu Yue!"

When everyone listened, they burst into laughter.

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