Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3677: Meet the two masters 1

Holding the little bun, Mu Yue got into the carriage and put him directly in the carriage, allowing him to crawl around.

The carriage was so big that it could seat nine or ten people, but this time it was only given to Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan, Han Tao, and Mu Haixuan, the last little bun who was crawling in a full cart.

The little bun was crawling around in the car happily and excitedly, with crystal saliva flowing from her little mouth.

Mu Yue sat on the side of the bed, waiting for a while to look outside through the car door.

"Little bun, come, come to Mommy!" Mu Yue beckoned to the little bun and said with a smile.

The little bun heard Mu Yue calling himself, and quickly crawled to Mu Yue's side with a pair of small hands, holding Mu Yue's legs, and slowly stood up.

Mu Yue watched Xiao Baozi's behavior, and secretly sighed in her heart that her son was different. He was able to grab things and stand up, but sometimes he still couldn't stand firmly and would fall to the ground. It's already pretty good.

"Really good!" Mu Yue smiled and picked up the little bun, letting him stand on his lap, "Be good, don't move, you know?"

The little bun still laughed crisply, jumping on Mu Yue's lap.

Han Tao took the little bun into his arms, "haha, little bun, come, come, let the master hug you!"

Xiao Baozi's relationship with him hasn't been so good yet, so Han Tao must get closer to Xiao Baozi.

Mu Yue saw that the little bun was going to harm Han Tao, smiled, and turned to look at Xiao Junyan and Mu Haixuan who were still outside talking to the old man.

After saying everything, Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan got on the bus.

"What's the matter?" Mu Yue asked caringly, sitting beside Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and explained, "It's okay, just remind us that people from the four major families are already waiting for us!"

When Mu Yue heard the words, the hands holding Xiao Junyan's arm tightened, "Four big families!"

After all, one of the four major families, the Nangong family, is his mother's family, and his mother is still in this family.

She didn't know, she waited a moment to face the nominal grandfather Nangong Linfeng.

Because, Nangong Linfeng’s opposition back then caused her to be separated from her parents since she was a child, and she suffered a lot.

And because of Nangong Linfeng, she had the opportunity to see her mother again, her mood is very complicated now.

Seeing Mu Yue's appearance, Xiao Junyan knew that she had such a reaction because of the Nangong family. He gently patted the back of her hand and said comfortingly, "It's okay, I'll be with you!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue let out a sigh of relief, nodded gently, and smiled brightly at Xiao Junyan, "I'm fine!"

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue into his arms and leaned her against her chest, "Wait a minute, after we have met the people of the four major families, we will go to the Nangong Patriarch and see the mother-in-law!"

Mu Yue nodded, feeling a little excited, "Okay!"

Since Mu Haixuan entered the ancient martial world, his expression was a bit erratic, and he grabbed his knees with both hands.

He was able to see Nangong Yuehua right away, but she was lying on the bed, which made his mood very complicated. He didn't know what it was like to see her lying on the bed.

At this moment, Mu Haixuan regretted it, why didn't he come to the ancient martial world earlier to rescue her.

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