Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3678: Meet the two masters 2

Mu Yue and others were sitting in a carriage and walking on the spacious road.

Through the car window, I saw the lively scene outside. Inside, many people in practice clothes are selling things on the street, and the street is also very lively and very lively.

The little bun was lying on the car window, jumping with his body excitedly, and yelling outside.

Mu Yue could only smile helplessly at the nauseous little bun.

The carriage is still very fast, and after sitting in the carriage for nearly an hour, it finally arrived at the destination.

When the carriage stopped, Mu Haixuan got out of the carriage first.

Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue, who was still holding the little bun who was still excited, got out of the carriage.

Mu Yue looked up, looked at the high steps, and looked up to the top. He only saw the top of the house at the top, nothing else.

"Really high!" Mu Yue twitched.

Xiao Junyan stood beside Mu Yue and said, "This is where we live, and it is also the place where the ancient martial world and the secular world are about to compete!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, holding the little bun and following Mu Haixuan's footsteps on the steps.

Walking up the steps, I finally saw an empty field, the field is definitely more than three football fields.

On the ground all around, there was a banner with the surnames of the four big families written on it, showing the lofty status of the four big families in the ancient martial arts world.

And in the center of this square, there is a row of people standing.

Xiao Junyan introduced in Mu Yue's ear that the four people standing in the front were the patriarchs of the four major families in the ancient martial arts, and the patrons of other big and small families in the ancient martial arts stood on both sides.

"Which is Nangong Linfeng?" Mu Yue asked, looking at the oldest of the four people standing in the front.

Xiao Junyan's answer confirmed Mu Yue's guess, "The oldest one in front!"

Because in the four major families, the same generation as Nangong Linfeng has retreated behind the scenes and handed over the family to the second generation.

However, because the second generation of the Nangong family only had a woman, Nangong Yuehua, now lying in bed, no one can take over the seat of the patriarch, so for the time being, Nangong Linfeng will continue to serve as the patriarch of the family.

That is, after Nangong Yuehua was taken home, and Nangong Linfeng put his mind on her, only two were selected as the candidate family young masters.

Just because of going to the secular world, Nangong Banquet wanted to murder Mu Yue and was arrested, and the position of Young Master was taken by Nangong Yangchen.

Mu Yue was looking at them, and these Guwu family members were also looking at them one after another.

Especially those young children who stood as the heads of the four major families.

"Is this the ranks of the secular world?"

Ouyang Tianyu looked at Mu Yue curiously, then turned his head and asked Nangong Yangchen next to him, "Is the woman holding the child Mu Yue?"

Nangong Yangchen nodded, "Well, it's her!"

"The man next to him is Xiao Junyan?" Shangguan squinted his eyes and asked Nangong Yangchen, his muscles tense for an instant.

Nangong Yangchen nodded again, "Yes, he is Xiao Junyan!"

Zhuge Jin clenched his hands into fists, and became vigilant. His voice was a little low, "He... very strong!"

He and Shangguan Lian both practiced the emptiness and united the Tao. Although they didn't feel Xiao Junyan's cultivation base, they could feel the dangerous aura emanating from Xiao Junyan's body, causing them to unconsciously rise in a sense of war and spirit. meaning.

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