Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3679: Meet the two masters 3

"Is that strong?" Shangguan Ying listened, but he curled his lips and said disdainfully, "How can people in the secular world be better than us? You are too shameful to us in the ancient martial world!"

Hearing Shangguanying's short-sighted words, Shangguanlian and Zhuge Jin glanced at each other, both casting contempt and mocking glances at him.

Only this guy with little brains would underestimate Xiao Junyan so much.

They also didn't bother to chat with Shangguan Ying over there, and the two looked at each other again, and they saw a look of vigilance and tension in each other's eyes.

They all know that it seems that the people who went out to investigate in the ancient martial arts before, the cultivation base they investigated is very likely to be true.

Xiao Junyan is really strong!

"Is that Xiao Junyan?" Shangguan Yanran, standing behind Shangguan Ying's side, was the youngest daughter of Nangong Wanting and Shangguan Xiangsheng, her eyes gleaming with excitement and admiration.

Xiao Junyan's appearance is incomparable to these young masters and young talents of the ancient martial arts family, not to mention the strong aura that exudes from him.

This made Shangguan Yanran couldn't help but gradually give birth to something called sentiment in her heart.

As soon as Xiao Junyan appeared, her attention fell on him, making her unable to remove her eyes.

The movement of the younger generation did not affect the negotiations between the leaders of the two sides in the slightest.

Mu Haixuan led Mu Yue and the others towards them, both of them clasped their fists, "You guys don't come here and there!" Facing the four big families in the ancient martial world, Mu Haixuan was full of momentum, especially in the face The people of the Shangguan family and the Nangong family had cold eyes in their eyes.

Shangguanxiang, Nangong Linfeng, Patriarch Zhuge and Patriarch Ouyang all stepped forward and clasped their fists with Mu Haixuan.

Although, what Mu Haixuan had done made the relationship between them and the secular world seem a bit stiff, and they almost fell into the Cold War.

However, now this is a meeting between the secular world and the ancient martial world, and they still have to show respect to each other on behalf of their respective forces.

The person who spoke was Patriarch Ouyang, "Welcome Brother Mu!"

In the last competition, whether it was the secular world or the four major families in the ancient martial arts world, the Ouyang family won the championship, and the development of the ancient martial arts world was led by the Ouyang family.

Moreover, Shangguanxiang and Nangong Linfeng are also not suitable for speaking.

One was robbed of his fiancee by Mu Haixuan. Of course, this fiancé was regarded as the "ex", and the other was robbed of his daughter.

The most important thing is that at this moment, the eyes of these two people swept over Mu Haixuan's body, and then fell on Mu Yue who was holding the little bun.

Nangong Linfeng clenched his fists with both hands. Because of the excitement, the fist and face of both hands were blue veins, and his body was trembling slightly. After his eyes fell on Mu Yue's body, he never moved away.

"She is my granddaughter! Is my great-grandson in my arms?" Nangong Linfeng said secretly in his heart.

This is the first time Nangong Linfeng has met his granddaughter Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi face to face. Although I have seen photos before, they are just photos.

Now, to really see them, how could Nangong Linfeng remove his eyes, just want to take a good look at them.

Because looking at Mu Yue and Nangong Yuehua's similar looks, Nangong Linfeng couldn't help but think of her daughter Nangong Yuehua who was lying on the bed.

Only at this moment, Mu Yue didn't know how to face Nangong Linfeng and the others, so she always lowered her head slightly and looked at the little bun in her arms.

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