Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3680: Confrontation with Shangguan Family 1

Shang Guanxiang looked at Mu Yue, and looked at the beauty of Nangong Yuehua with seven or eight points similar to that of Nangong Yuehua, and a layer of ripples unconsciously appeared in his heart.

"Is this the daughter of Nangong Yuehua? Like her mother, she is also so beautiful!"

Compared with Nangong Yuehua's appearance, Nangong Wanting is naturally incomparable.

Among the ancient martial arts, especially in the previous generation, Nangong Yuehua can be said to be the most beautiful woman in the entire ancient martial arts.

At that time, it also attracted the enthusiastic pursuit of young talents in the entire ancient martial arts world.

However, because of family reasons, Shangguan Xiang made a marriage contract with Nangong Yuehua early, which made many young talents give up Nangong Yuehua.

But no one knew it. Suddenly, a Mu Haixuan popped up and snatched Nangong Yuehua away, causing the entire Ancient Martial Realm to boil and almost to be overturned because of this.

Mu Yue, who was playing with the little buns and hands in her arms, could feel a few strong gazes falling on her body, but she directly ignored them, did not go to investigate, and listened to the conversation between Mu Haixuan and Patriarch Ouyang from time to time. And introduce the teams of both sides.

However, some people in the Shangguan clan looked at Mu Yue's eyes, they were full of strong hostility, and they wanted to kill her.

Especially when Mu Haixuan introduced Mu Yue, "This is my daughter and Yuehua, Mu Yue!"

Mu Haixuan knew that when he introduced Mu Yue, he said that Nangong Yuehua would definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of some members of the Shangguan family.

However, he just wanted them to know that Nangong Yuehua belonged to him, and Mu Yue was also the daughter of the two of them. This was something that no one could change.

Mu Yue raised her eyes, glanced at the crowd, and nodded at them.

Little Baozi pierced a pair of big open eyes and saw that everyone was looking at him and Mu Yue, his little hand directly hugged Mu Yue's head, turned his head, and stared at a pair of lovely big eyes.

It looked like he was saying that Mommy was his, and no one could rob him.

In Xiao Baozi's eyes, their eyes were vying for Mu Yue with him.


Sure enough, someone from the Shangguan family made a cold snort.

"Mu Haixuan, what do you mean! Is this going to blatantly do it with our Shangguan family?" A Shangguan family elder questioned Mu Haixuan dissatisfiedly.

Mu Haixuan returned without showing weakness, "Do it right? The only people who have done the right thing with me from beginning to end are only members of your Shangguan family!"

He didn't want to fight them, but they didn't let them go, always trying to kill him, even killing Mu Yue and Xiao Baozi.

"That's the one you covet and shouldn't covet! You still gave birth to the evil seed!" The elder of the Shangguan family gritted his teeth and said angrily.

At the beginning, because Mu Haixuan abducted Nangong Yuehua and took her away from marriage, the Shangguan family lost their face among the four major families, and they were even unable to raise their heads for a while.

These people, who are the elders of the Shangguan family, are very dissatisfied and resentful of Mu Haixuan.

What qualifications does a person from the secular world have to **** a woman from the former young master of their Shangguan family, that is, the current master Shangguan Xiang!

She also gave birth to Mu Yue, a bitch, and with such a grand introduction this time, isn't she hitting their Shangguan family in the face again?

Hearing the name of the elder of the Shangguan family to Mu Yue, Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan burst into a cold air and a strong killing intent.

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