Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3681: Confrontation with Shangguan Family 2

"You're looking for death!" It is rare that Mu Haixuan and Xiao Junyan, the pair of Weng-in-law, stood on the same front and spit out three words coldly.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the ancient martial world and the secular world became tense, and the air seemed to be full of strong gunpowder smell.

"What are you doing! Want to fight?"

The members of the Shangguan family team were all on alert, and they were also powerfully facing Mu Haixuan and the others.

Mu Yu and others also stood behind Mu Haixuan one after another, with a powerful aura bursting from their bodies.

Facing the tense atmosphere at this time, Patriarch Ouyang and the others were very worried. Before the match, the two sides began to fight.

Although, what happened to Nangong Yuehua of the Nangong clan in those days caused them to lose face in the ancient martial world as a whole.

But this is not the time to resolve personal grievances.

"Everyone, please wait!" Patriarch Ouyang quickly stood between the two sides to prevent them from fighting.

This time the game was led by their Ouyang family, so this must be stopped by him.

"Everyone, now is not the time to fight!" Patriarch Ouyang said again persuasively.

As the former head of the Kunlun faction, Han Tao also stood up, so you can't let them fight first at this time.

"Even if something unpleasant happened to the previous generation, but at least Mu Haixuan brought people from the secular world to participate in the competition. Isn't it a bit bad to do so?" Han Tao turned his head, his eyes fell on Shangguanxiang's On the body, "Shangguan Patriarch, don't know what you mean?"

When Shangguanxiang heard Han Tao calling himself, he closed his gaze on Mu Yue, turned his head and glanced at his Shangguan family, then looked at Han Tao, clasped his fist and said, "Senior Han, what you said Yes!"

Then he turned his head and ordered everyone in his Shangguan family, "Nothing will happen before the game has started!"

The members of the Shangguan family who were ordered by Shangguanxiang were very unwilling, but they could only swallow this sulky breath.

Han Tao smiled and stroked his beard, and said, "That's right! Why are you so arrogant? Since both sides have grievances, you don't have to fight directly on the stage!"

Patriarch Ouyang also nodded and agreed with Han Tao's suggestion, "Senior Han is right. Why not, I have a suggestion to resolve the grievances between the two sides, and use this game as a venue for resolving grievances!"

Han Tao nodded in agreement and asked Shangguanxiang, "Shangguan Patriarch, what do you think?"

Shangguanxiang glanced at everyone in the Shangguan family, then at Mu Yue, who was holding the little bun, and nodded, "Yes, let this game decide all grievances!"

"it is good!"

Both Han Tao and Patriarch Ouyang nodded in satisfaction, finally resolving this tense dispute.

However, the Shangguan family still snorted coldly and sneered at Mu Yue and the others, not thinking they could win them.

Shangguan Ying was even more arrogant, staring at Mu Yue, "Only you, want to compare with us, I will definitely beat you down! Especially you! Mu Yue!"

Mu Yue raised his eyes and glanced at the opening Shangguan Ying with disdain. He could see his cultivation and the condition of his body at a glance, and let out a mocking hum, directly ignoring Shangguan Ying.

Shangguan Ying was flushed with anger by Mu Yue's actions.

"Damn it!" Shangguan Ying gritted her teeth, "Mu Yue, in the arena, I will let you know how good this young master is!"

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