Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3684: Nangong Linfeng Visit 2

Nangong Linfeng will take Mu Yue to the Nangong family, and Mu Haixuan will naturally follow.

However, Nangong Linfeng refused Mu Haixuan, "I just let the child go with me, what are you going to do!"

Mu Haixuan stared at Nangong Linfeng angrily, and said dissatisfied, "Why don't you let me go? Yuehua is Xiao Yue'er's mother, and even my wife. I see my wife, why are you stopping me! "

"I haven't agreed to the marriage contract between the two of you. Without my permission, you can't see my daughter!" Nangong Linfeng also stared at Mu Haixuan with dissatisfaction and disgust.

Nangong Linfeng looked at Mu Haixuan, how he looked, how dissatisfied, it was because of him that his daughter had become a vegetative, and now she was lying in bed and could not get up.

When Mu Haixuan heard Nangong Linfeng's words, his heart was full of anger, "Nangong Linfeng, you are the old immortal, if it weren't for you back then, Yuehua wouldn't have the same things now!"

Originally didn't want to care about with Nangong Linfeng, who made Yuehua the father, but Nangong Linfeng refused to let him go to see Nangong Yuehua.

Thinking that he and Nangong Yuehua were stopped back then, Mu Haixuan couldn't bear it anymore.

Nangong Linfeng was even more angry, "If you abducted Yuehua and eloped with her, would something like this happen? I haven't asked you to settle the account yet!"

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Mu Haixuan's momentum suddenly skyrocketed, and the invisible Qi Qi bombarded towards Nangong Linfeng.

Mu Yue saw that Nangong Linfeng and Mu Haixuan were about to fight, feeling a little helpless, and quickly stepped forward to stop them, "Dad! Patriarch Nangong! Now is not the time to fight!"

Nangong Linfeng felt a chill in his heart when he heard Mu Yue's words. He didn't expect that Mu Yue would call him Nangong Patriarch instead of his grandfather.

"Patriarch Nangong, since you let me go for treatment, let my dad follow too!" Mu Yue said coldly to Nangong Linfeng.

Nangong Linfeng felt very sad when she heard Mu Yue's words. He looked at Mu Yue sadly, and could only agree to Mu Yue's cold eyes, "Okay!"

I saw my granddaughter who I had never seen before. Although it was the daughter of the man I hated, it was also his granddaughter.

Now that she heard Mu Yue's unfamiliar words, Nangong Linfeng couldn't help being cruel, and did not refute her words.

When Mu Yue heard Nangong Linfeng agree, she was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect to agree so soon.

However, Mu Yue would not ask more why he agreed so quickly.

"I need to take my son with me, I don't worry about leaving him here!" Mu Yue said to Nangong Linfeng again.

When Nangong Linfeng heard Mu Yue say her son, he glanced at the little bun who was playing with the quilt on the bed, and his eyes became softer and more affectionate, "Yes!"

Mu Yue nodded, and walked to the bed to report to the little bun, "Baby! Come on, let's go out!"

The little bun got into a little temper and snorted. He was lying on the quilt. He just left him here. Mommy is so bad that he is angry!

Mu Yue looked at the appearance of the little bun, suddenly a little bit dumbfounded, this little bun still had a temper!

However, as the nemesis, Xiao Junyan directly fished the little bun out of the bed, "I don't want your mommy to hold it, then let Dad hold it!"

The little bun stared at Xiao Junyan's big cute eyes, and then showed an aggrieved look on his small face. He was wrong. He shouldn't have a temper with his mother in front of the smelly Baba.

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