Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3685: Nangong Linfeng Visit 3

Mu Yue, Mu Haixuan, and Xiao Junyan, who was holding the little bun, headed to the Nangong family together.

Sitting in the carriage of Patriarch Linfeng of Nangong, the little steamed bun, even if he was held in his arms by Xiao Junyan, still had to rush into Mu Yue's arms.

"Mom...Mom..." The little bun stretched out his fleshy little hands, blinked a pair of cute and wronged big eyes, and looked at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue pressed his hands down and said in a grieved manner, "Didn't you just not want your mother to hold it? Mom is angry, you should let your father hold it!"

The rejected little bun was even more aggrieved. Crystal tears rolled in his eyes, and his voice was choked up, "Mom...Mom..."

He didn't want to hug him, he knew he was wrong, he wanted his mother to hug!

"Let dad hug, dad hug comfortably!" Mu Yue deliberately did not hug the little bun. This stinky boy even dared to have a temper with him and not let her hug him. Then let him have a long memory and watch him Dare to make a temper.

Xiao Junyan looked at the pitiful appearance of the little bun, and with a big hand, he pressed the little bun's body on his chest and patted him on the back lightly, "Dare you dare to get angry in the future?"

Xiao Junyan's fleshy little hands grabbed Xiao Junyan's chest and shook his little head. He didn't want it anymore. He won't get angry with Mommy anymore, he wants Mommy to hug him!

"Humph!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, still threateningly said, "Whenever, behave, let your mommy hug!"

The little bun suddenly felt wronged, he is already very good, he wants Mommy to hug him!

Mu Yue smiled and looked at the aggrieved little bun who was leaning against Xiao Junyan's arms.

And Nangong Linfeng, who was also sitting in the carriage, looked at the pitiful appearance of Xiao Baozi's grievances, and made him feel weak. He really wanted to jump on him and hugged him in his arms to comfort him.

He could not bear such a pitiful appearance of such a cute little bun.

It's a pity that he hasn't been able to ease the relationship with Mu Yue and the others, and he hasn't been able to make Mu Yue call himself grandpa.

Thinking of calling herself Nangong Patriarch just now, Nangong Linfeng felt very sad.

In the entire carriage, only the little bun's grieving voice was humming, and everyone else seemed very silent, so they came to the Nangong family together.

Nangong Linfeng got out of the carriage first, and then Mu Yue and the others.

Just now I met with Mu Haixuan, Nangong Yangchen and others, and they all knew that Nangong Linfeng had gone to find Mu Yue and them, so they made people pay attention to when they came back.

As soon as Nangong Linfeng came back, the Nangong family members, led by Nangong Yangchen, who was now the young master, greeted them one after another.

Seeing Nangong Linfeng, Nangong Yangchen respectfully said, "Patriarch, you are back!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded, "Well, there is nothing about you here!"

Now he is taking Mu Yue to treat Nangong Yuehua, and he has no time to talk to them over there.

Nangong Yangchen said concerned, "Do you need to prepare the room?"

Nangong Linfeng heard Nangong Yangchen's question and turned to look at Mu Yue and the others.

Mu Yue refused and said, "No need!"

"Then don't need it!" Nangong Linfeng waved his hand to Nangong Yangchen and said.

Nangong Yangchen nodded, looked at Mu Yue, and smiled friendly at her.

He had also seen Nangong Yuehua, and saw a face very similar to Nangong Yuehua, and it was also very kind.

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