Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3692: Attitudes of the families 1

Here, Mu Yue treated Nangong Yuehua in the Nangong family, and on the other side, the other families were also very lively, and the atmosphere was still very tense.

Not for anything else, just because of the momentum of the competition with Xiao Junyan and the others, their side was actually a little weak.

Especially the Shangguan family, Shangguanxiang sitting in the first seat, his expression looked very serious and heavy.

Originally, because of the Shangguan Company, they only felt that they would definitely be able to win this competition, but now with the emergence of Xiao Junyan in the secular world, they have become nervous.

They did not expect that the information in the previous investigation turned out to be true.

"Lian'er, what do you think of Xiao Junyan?" The senior elder of the Shangguan family asked Shangguan Lian with concern.

The serious Shangguan Lian said in a gloomy tone, "Very strong!"

"Hiss!" When the elders heard Shangguanlian's words, they couldn't help but secretly inhaled a breath of cold air in their hearts.

Although, they also felt that Shangguan Company's cultivation base might not be as good as Xiao Junyan, and they couldn't feel Shangguan Company's body just because of the aura.

When Shangguanying heard what Shangguanlian said, she deeply disagreed. There are not many people practicing martial arts in the secular world. Moreover, many ancient martial arts have disappeared, and it is impossible to be better than them.

After hearing what Shangguan Lian said, he just sneered and looked at Shangguan Lian mockingly, "Shangguan Lian, aren't you cultivating emptiness and harmony? Are you still afraid of Xiao Junyan? You are too much to the face of our ancient martial family. Up!"

This mocking and disdainful remark spread to the ears of everyone present, and they all looked at Shangguan Ying.

Shangguan Lian frowned and looked at Shangguan Ying dissatisfiedly, "A person who has rehabilitated the soul and is not qualified to say me!"

Shangguan Ying made a cut and said mockingly, "Yes, I am the only one who can only reinforce the gods, but I have never been afraid of the one called Xiao Junyan, and what about you? I have already broken through to refining the void. , Don’t fight! You are losing the face of our Shangguan family!"

These words were simply a resounding slap that hit Shangguanlian's face fiercely.

Shangguan Lian suddenly turned dark, staring at Shangguan Ying, and slapped his hands on the table fiercely, "Shangguan Ying, don't think you are the young master, I dare not do anything to you!"

Faced with the threat from Shangguan Company, Shangguan Ying was not afraid at all. Instead, she looked at Shangguan Company arrogantly, looking at him with a look of waste.

Although her mother, Nangong Wanting’s status is low, Shangguanying has always ignored Nangong Wanting’s identity, and has always only cared about himself as the son of the Shangguan family’s head. He is the young master of the Shangguan family. No one can be right. He is rude.

What if Shangguanlian’s cultivation base is higher than his own? The same is his subordinates, without his own dignity.

"Come on! Do you dare to do something with me, it is the following crime!" Shangguan Ying raised her chin arrogantly, and counterattacked Shangguan with not weak momentum at all.

Shangguan Lian was really not afraid of Shangguan Ying. He wanted to fight back, but he heard an angry shout, "Shut up!"

Hearing this scolding, Shangguan turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Shangguanxiang sitting on the main seat with a gloomy and angry face.

Hearing Shangguanxiang’s scolding, Shangguanying didn’t know who the shut-up was aimed at. Instead, she snorted at Shangguan proudly, “If you’re a trash, just say it straight. for……"

"To shut up!"

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