Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3693: Attitudes of the families 2

"To shut up!"

Shangguanxiang's scolding sounded again, finally making Shangguanying shut her mouth, looked at him puzzledly, and called out, "Dad..."

Looking at Shangguan Ying, Shangguan Xiang was really regretful, couldn't help but think of Mu Yue in his mind, thinking of Mu Yue who was almost exactly the same as Nangong Yuehua.

This son is short-sighted, he is so arrogant and arrogant that he really wants to slap this son to death in front of him.

It's a person who lost himself.

Sure enough, the son born of a humble is also not on the stage!

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear it?" Shangguanxiang looked at Shangguanying dissatisfiedly.

Shangguan Film looked at Shangguanxiang aggrievedly, and argued for herself, "What I said is correct!"

He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he said. It was obviously that Shangguan even feared the secular world and said these words. This was to reduce their aura.

"You're right?" Shangguanxiang looked at Shangguanying mockingly, "Who do you think you are? What do the eyes on your head do? Can't you see it yourself? Or, you can't use your mind. What is your head on your neck for?"

Faced with Shangguan Ying still showing no sign of confession, Shangguan Ying was even more angry.

Being scolded and scolded by Shangguanxiang, Shangguanying's face flushed, and her heart was very aggrieved.

When Shangguan Lian saw Shangguan Ying being scolded, he was secretly mocking and happy, and the corners of his mouth also showed a mocking and contemptuous smile towards him.

As the elder of Shangguanlian's grandfather, hearing Shangguanxiang's scolding, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As a grandfather, the most intolerable thing is that others laugh at his grandson so much, and he is still a short-sighted guy like Shangguanying.

If Shangguanxiang doesn't speak, he will speak, and he has to do it. If he can't let Shangguan do it, then he will do it.

"Do you think your refining spirit is very powerful?" Shang Guanxiang mocked without mercy at all. "Tell you, with your three-legged cat skills, you can't even move a finger of Xiao Junyan! "

It's not that Shangguanxiang looked down on his son, it's that his son really disappointed him.

Everyone could see that Xiao Junyan's aura was extraordinary, and his cultivation level was not weak, but this stupid son was still petite over there, and he was not marginal.

Shangguan Ying was said to be so worthless by his father, and only felt very aggrieved.

"Blindly arrogant, since you are so self-confident, well, if you lose to people in the secular world, don't do your young master position!" Shangguan Xiang coldly ordered.

When Shangguanying heard what Shangguanxiang said, her face was shocked, and she stared at her father with wide-eyed eyes.

He never expected that Shangguanxiang would say these things.

"Dad... are you kidding me?" Shangguanying's mouth twitched, asking Shangguanxiang.

Shangguanxiang snorted coldly and asked mockingly, "Do you think I am joking?"

Facing the indifference and resolute Shangguanxiang, Shangguanying closed her mouth and gave a squeak in her heart.

While talking, Shangguanxiang turned his head again, looked at Shangguan Company, and said solemnly, "Lian'er, you have to work hard in this competition. As long as you get the first place, this young master’s seat is you. of!"

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