Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3702: Mu Yue's Assertion 1

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue held the little buns and came to the front of the Patriarchs of the Four Great Clan.

The Nangong family came with Mu Yue and the others. After separating from Mu Yue and the others, they came here to reconcile with the Nangong family and the other three family heads.

Xiao Junyan hugged everyone, but did not speak.

Han Tao, who knows Xiao Junyan's character, directly grabbed the conversation and said with a haha ​​smile, "Everyone, it's been a long time!"

On the way, Mu Yue had already told Han Tao that Mu Haixuan's banquet would not come this time, and that he would accompany Nangong Yuehua with the Nangong family, so he would have to deal with everything.

After all, Han Tao was also the head of the former Kunlun faction. He still managed to deal with these matters.

And Han Tao knew his apprentice's character and readily agreed.

"I have seen Senior Han!" These Patriarchs fisted with Han Tao one after another. Even Nangong Linfeng would call Senior Han Tao.

Han Tao nodded and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we can meet again!"

"Senior Han is still strong and strong, anytime he wants to come to the ancient martial world!" Patriarch Ouyang said to Han Tao with a smile.

Han Tao, who had already removed the head of the Kunlun Sect, would actually not leave the Kunlun Sect for anything, let alone enter the ancient martial arts world.

Therefore, Han Tao appeared here, the people of these four major families are still very surprised.

They would not believe that he came because Xiao Junyan came to participate in the competition.

"Haha, forget it, old man, I don't have much life left, I just want to tease the disciples in the rest of the time!" Han Tao said with a bold smile.

When everyone heard the words, it instantly became clear that Han Tao was for the little bun in Mu Yue's arms!

Also, only such a cute little bun can allow Han Tao to enter the ancient martial world with him.

"Senior is still strong!" Patriarch Zhuge said to Han Tao with a smile.

Han Tao waved his hand, "I'm getting old and old! I can't compare to you young people. I'll take a look at this competition to see how many talented children you have in the ancient martial arts this time!"

"Naturally, he is no better than the senior's closed disciple!" Patriarch Ouyang narrowed his eyes, glanced at Xiao Junyan with a smile, and said.

Xiao Junyan was Han Tao's closed disciple, and none of the people in the ancient martial arts knew about it.

Complimenting his apprentice, Han Tao was still very happy, and said without humility, "Haha, this stinky boy, the talent is still a bit!"

Now, Xiao Junyan's cultivation is on par with him, what else can he say?

I can only sigh with emotion, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach!

For Han Tao, he was not humble at all, and everyone once again measured Xiao Junyan in their hearts.

If Xiao Junyan's cultivation base is not high and his ability is not robbed, how can he make Han Tao so confident and not modest at all?

The eyes of the four families looking at Xiao Junyan have also changed a lot, only Nangong Linfeng is different from the other three families, but satisfaction and pride.

On the contrary, Nangong Linfeng felt that only such a man was worthy of his granddaughter.

Now he no longer sees whether it is the ancient martial world or the secular world, as long as he is worthy of his granddaughter, and his granddaughter likes it.

Xiao Junyan's excellence made Nangong Linfeng very happy, and it was a long face for him.

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