Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3703: Mu Yue's Assertion 2

Time gradually passed in the conversation among the people.

Nangong Linfeng knew that Mu Haixuan was with Nangong Yuehua in the Nangong family, and said to Patriarch Ouyang, "Patriarch Ouyang, time is almost up, let's have a banquet!"

When Patriarch Ouyang heard Nangong Linfeng's words, he was taken aback and looked around in confusion, "Mu Haixuan hasn't come yet!"

He hasn't held a banquet all the time because Mu Haixuan, the leader of the team, did not show up.

Nangong Linfeng explained, "He is not coming!"

In fact, they all heard reports that Mu Haixuan, Xiao Junyan, Mu Yue, and Xiao Baozi went to the Nangong family.

But I didn't expect that Mu Haixuan would stay with the Nangong family, he was the leader this time!

Patriarch Ouyang nodded, and did not ask any more, "Okay, let's open the table!"

Patriarch Ouyang, the person in charge of the ancient martial arts world, didn't say anything, but Shangguan Ying, who had been holding a sigh of breath in his heart, snorted dissatisfied after hearing it.

It was even more mocking, "The shelf is really big!"

It's okay if you didn't speak, the lively atmosphere dropped to zero in an instant.

What everyone didn't want to mention was mentioned by Shangguan Ying, and everyone looked at him.

When Mu Yue heard Shangguanying's mocking words, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she said faintly, "The person with a big shelf is not someone else, but you!"

Shangguan Ying, who was back attacked, immediately glared at Mu Yue in dissatisfaction, and said angrily, "What did you say, you dare to talk to me like this!"

Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at Shangguan Ying sarcastically, "Who do you think you are? A peak of Refining God and Returning Void that can only be promoted by drugs, what right does it have to be arrogant here?"

As the words fell, the expressions of everyone present changed, and they looked at Shangguan Ying.

Especially Shangguan Ying's face became even more ugly.

He didn't expect that no one in the family knew, but Mu Yue knew what he and his mother Nangong Wanting knew.

"Ha!" Zhuge Yan laughed suddenly, looked at Shangguan Ying mockingly, and said to Zhuge Jin, "Unexpectedly, it turned out that this cultivation base went up like this! Brother, some people were arrogant before, saying I will surpass you soon, I see, even if you surpass you, you can slap him into the air!"

The cultivation base that only relied on drugs to improve was simply incomparable with Zhuge Jin and others who were improved by talent and sweat.

Not to mention that Shangguan Ying’s cultivation level is now only the peak of Refining God and Returning to Void, even if it breaks through to Refining Void Hedao, Zhuge Jin can easily shoot it flying.

I thought I could take a medicine and easily break through to the Shangguan Ying of Lianxu Hedao. He was arrogant before, and soon was able to surpass Zhuge Jin. Now, it can only be said that he hit him in the face severely.

They didn't think that the guy in Shangguanying who had been fishing for three days and spending two days on the net could have such a good talent. Sure enough, when Mu Yue said something, they understood the trickyness of it.

"Fart!" Shangguanying, who was stepped on the fox's tail, jumped with anger, and even pointed at Mu Yue and yelled over there, "Nonsense!"

Even if it was exposed, he would never admit it.

This little **** is simply too hateful. He has exploded his privacy in front of so many people.

Now Zhuge Yan was even ridiculed, with immense resentment and dissatisfaction in her heart.


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