Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3705: The shock brought by the little buns 1

If you say this, if you want to say that the people with more changes in their facial expressions, they belong to Shangguan Ying and the entire Shangguan family.

They never expected that Mu Yue would know about this.

It seems, it seems, it didn't take long for them to know about this! Before coming to the banquet.

Mu Yue couldn't have known it so quickly!

Because they received the news that she went to the Nangong family before coming here, and the Nangong family came over as soon as they came back. It is impossible to know so soon!

Therefore, how can the news that Mu Yue is telling them not make them shocked and unbelievable.

Now, they had to believe in Mu Yue's identity as the progenitor of the mysterious doctor.

Shangguan squinted his eyes, looking at Mu Yue, his heart was like a wave, very shocked.

They only knew about this matter when they were in a meeting. How could Mu Yue know about it?

"Really?" Zhuge Yan and the others also showed shocked expressions on their faces, turning their heads to look at Shangguan Ying, each of them with a look of inquiry and scrutiny.

Shangguan Yaoyao heard that Mu Yue actually said that Shangguanying could not be the young master, and that she could not become the head of the Shangguan family in the future. How could she not be angry, how could she not be anxious?

If she wants to be able to marry Zhuge Jin, even if she does not marry Zhuge Jin, if she wants to marry a young talent with status, she must continue to have the name of Shangguan Ying.

If her brother cannot continue to be the young master of the Shangguan family, because of the humble status of her mother, Nangong Wanting, who would marry her?

She didn't believe what Mu Yue said. She pointed an angry finger at Mu Yue's nose and yelled, "Bitch, you are nonsense!"

The name Shangguan Xiaoya called Mu Yue, Xiao Junyan's icy gaze swept towards her, his whole body exuding icy cold air.

Mu Yue stood in front of Xiao Junyan's body, and looked at Shangguan slender sarcastically, "Are I talking nonsense? Let's wait and see!"

He glanced at Shangguan's slender face again, and then faintly said, "It's just you, haha, coveting things that you shouldn't covet. Sooner or later, you will suffer the consequences, it is better to give up early!"

Although Mu Yue didn't know what Shangguan Yaya coveted, she also knew that she would pay a painful price for it.

Zhugeyan laughed again, and said admiringly to Mu Yue, "Miss Mu, you are really straightforward. Some people are just people who shouldn't be coveted, and they always go to our Zhuge's house. Run, it seems that even if you run so diligently, you can't get my brother!"

The thing that Shangguan coveted should not be coveted, that is her brother. After all, her goal is to marry her brother.

It's just that their Zhuge family look down on her with such an identity and character. Even if Zhuge Jin agrees, no one else in their Zhuge family will agree.

Zhuge Jin, who was named, turned her head and glared at Zhuge Yan. Even people in the ancient martial arts world know this, but they can't say it in front of people in the secular world!

However, now that Mu Yue said these words, everyone had to treat Mu Yue differently.

It is even a secret guess in my heart, is it true that what Mu Yue said is true?

Shangguan Ying not only improved his cultivation base by medicine, but also lost his position as the young leader of the Shangguan family.

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