Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3706: The shock brought by the little bun 2

Shangguan Ying was completely out of breath because of what Mu Yue had said. She almost fainted because she could not come up with a breath.

After panting and easing her emotions, Shangguan Ying stared at Mu Yue, her eyes full of resentment, and she gritted her teeth.

"Mu Yue, dare you dare to fight with me!" Shangguanying wanted to trample Mu Yue under her feet, violently ravaging him.

This **** is younger than his own and is a woman, and his cultivation level is definitely not that high, so if he wants to bully Mu Yue and kill Mu Yue, wouldn't it be easy?

Everyone suddenly heard Shangguanying's declaration of war, and all the people present again showed different expressions on their faces.

However, the eyes that everyone almost looked at Shangguanying were full of ridicule and contempt.

In their hearts, Mu Yue was definitely not better than Shangguan Ying, but Shangguan Ying challenged Mu Yue, which was simply too odious, and too disgraceful of their ancient martial arts world.

However, compared to these people in the ancient martial world, everyone in the secular world showed mocking and disdain on their faces, looking at Shangguan Ying's eyes, as if looking at idiots and idiots.

In their hearts, Shangguanying's behavior is simply looking for death and abuse by himself!

Before the ancient martial arts world, Mu Yue deliberately showed his cultivation base in front of them, and directly knocked them all down. What's more, this guy who was only taking medicine to improve his cultivation base?

When Shangguan Yaoyao heard Shangguanying’s declaration of war, his face also showed an arrogant look, "Yes, Mu Yue, do you dare to accept my brother’s challenge? If you think my brother’s cultivation level is too high, I can also challenge. you!"

Although listening to the words shows their magnanimity and does not want to bully the weak with strength, but they also carry a strong ridicule and contempt.

Mu Yue didn't show any anger at the provocation of Shangguanying and Shangguanyao. Instead, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "The challenge? Isn't it already set?"


When Shangguan Ying and Shangguan Yaoyao heard Mu Yue's words, they were all taken aback, and their faces were somewhat surprised and puzzled.

They didn't understand. What did Mu Yue mean when he said it had already been ordered, why didn't they know?

"When was it set?"

The other people looked at each other in incomprehension, expressing their confusion and doubts.

Mu Yue didn't deliberately sell Guanzi, and said lightly, "Don't you participate in the game between the ancient martial world and the secular world? If you don't participate, I can compete with you!"

She won't show her strength right now, and she will give them a big surprise when she wants to fight.

When Shangguan Ying heard Mu Yue's words, she said angrily, "I will naturally participate, but I will challenge you now, dare you dare to fight!"

"Sorry, I have to take my son. I'm very busy!" Mu Yue patted the little bun in his arms and said.

The little bun, who was held in Mu Yue's arms, stared at his big round eyes at this time, and stared at Shangguan Ying with enthusiasm.

Although he can't speak, he also knows that this bad guy is targeting his mummy.

The little bun held his fleshy little fist bulgingly, waving wildly in the air, full of momentum.

Everyone looked at the cute little bun with an angry face, and they only thought it was even more cute.

"If you want to fight, you can compete!" Xiao Junyan also said coldly, "Ashamed of yourself, don't bring others to be ashamed!"

The shocked Shangguan Ying's face was dark, very angry and unhappy.

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