Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3720: Start collecting evidence 1

Shangguanxiang and Nangong Wanting are some notorious couples.

Today, because of Shangguan Ying and Shangguan Yanran's affairs, not only he was ashamed, but the entire Shangguan family was also ashamed by them.

Nangong Wanting had always been educating her children, but she did not expect that she would educate children with such poor character.

Now he really regrets marrying such a woman. Yuehua is better!

Even if Yuehua wasn't by his side, Mu Yue's child would be so satisfied no matter how he looked at him. I really hope that Mu Yue is his daughter!

Nangong Wanting was scolded by Shangguanxiang, her face became very ugly, and she questioned him with a trembling voice, "Shangguanxiang, did you think of her again because Nangong Yuehua's daughter came back?"

Shang Guanxiang, who was pierced in his mind, raised his hand angrily, and slapped Nangong Wanting's face fiercely.


A burst of clear applause echoed in the room.

A red palm print suddenly appeared on Nangong Wanting's face, and her eyes were shocked and unbelievable.

She never expected that Shangguan Xiang would hit her!

" hit me!" Nangong Wanting stared, looking up at Shangguan Xiang.

Shangguanxiang looked at Nangong Wanting mockingly, and snorted, "I'll hit you. You have done shameful things by yourself, and you want me to talk to you properly?"

"I..." Nangong Wanting only felt wronged.

I had suffered so much for this man, and for him, I even did things that hurt Nangong Yuehua, and felt extremely angry and regretful in my heart.

Nangong Wanting shouted at Shangguanxiang in pain, "Shangguanxiang, I really misunderstood you!"

Shangguanxiang snorted coldly and waved his hand in disgust, "I also misunderstood you more and shouldn't marry you, get out! I don't want to see you now!"

"You..." Nangong Wanting stared aggrievedly, pained in her heart.

Shangguanxiang saw that Nangong Wanting was still not good, and he shouted angrily, "What are you still doing here? Go back to your own courtyard and think behind closed doors. No one can release her without my order! Come! Please come back, mistress. !"

Nangong Wanting only felt pain, and closed her eyes, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

The guard came in from outside and said to Nangong Wanting, "Mother, please!"

Nangong Wanting glanced at the guards, glared at Shang Guanxiang angrily, and left unwillingly.

Shangguanxiang watched Nangong Wanting leave the room, sighed deeply, and closed his eyes.

If his wife is Nangong Yuehua, that would be great!

Looking at Mu Yue now, whether it is her character or her ability, he is extremely satisfied and admired.

If Mu Yue was his daughter, that would be great, but it's a pity, this is a luxury!

At this moment, Mu Yue had no idea what had happened to the Shangguan family.

Because she still has a lot of things to do, let people investigate how Nangong Yuehua was poisoned, and who did it.

Even if it is guessed that Qian Lejun did it, there is no evidence, it is not easy to convict, let alone let her admit all this.

Therefore, there must be evidence, which must be investigated, and the reputation of Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting must be destroyed.

If they dare to hurt their mother, they have to pay a heavy price for what they have done.

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