Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3721: Start collecting evidence 2

Nangong Wanting was imprisoned by Shangguanxiang, but she still tried her best to pass the news here to Qian Lejun.

Qian Lejun didn't know at this moment that he had been targeted.

Qian Lejun, who was born with a bad background, couldn't learn martial arts, so she was completely an ordinary old lady, and she looked the same as an ordinary old lady, but because she was well maintained, she didn't look so old.

Therefore, I don't know who is already staring at her around her.

When the news of Nangong Wanting was passed to her, Qian Lejun's face was a little bit puzzled, but he showed a shocked look when he saw the letter that came.

She did not expect that so many things happened today.

Moreover, her grandson was beaten with blood by Mu Yue's son. She remembered how soft and soft she was in her arms by Xiao Junyan, she couldn't imagine that he could have this ability.

As for Shangguan Yanran was also beaten by Xiao Junyan, saying that he seduced her granddaughter, but was seriously injured by Mu Yue's instigation.

Hearing these two news, it is impossible for Qian Lejun to feel uncomfortable, and his face is not good.

"How could she do this! She did such a thing!" Qian Lejun was so angry that his fingers were trembling, and his heart was very angry.

Thinking that my grandson and granddaughter are both injured now, as a grandmother, how can we not worry?

Of course, in Nangong Wanting's letter, she also asked whether Mu Yue had given Nangong Yuehua treatment, and whether the poison in her body was detected, and could it be cured?

Qian Lejun frowned and thought for a while, it seemed that Mu Yue didn't say that it could be cured, it should be that it was not cured.

"So many doctors have seen it, and she can't cure it with just a little girl!" Qian Lejun snorted softly.

I didn't want to do anything to Nangong Yuehua, but when he heard that Mu Yue and the others had hurt his grandson and granddaughter, there was a little bit of heartache.

"Go and take this letter back!" Qian Lejun wrote a letter, stuffed it in the envelope, and gave it to the person who sent it.

The messenger nodded and left the yard.

However, after she left, a man in black gave her a sleeping hole and fell to the ground not too far away.

The man in black opened the envelope and looked at the contents, a cold light flashed under his eyes, took a photo with the camera, and then put all the letters in the envelope and put it back in the original place.

He woke up the messenger's sleeping point and left.

The messenger looked around in a puzzled manner, a flash of light flashed on his face, and quickly glanced at the things in his arms, only then secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly left the Nangong family and went to the Shangguan family.

It's no wonder people in the ancient martial arts world still use such backward messenger messages.

Although this space is on the earth, it is not possible to use mobile phones and other things. This kind of secular world is not too developed, so let alone the ancient martial world.

This gave Mu Yue and the others the opportunity to find this kind of opportunity, record their message and leave evidence.

After the man in black left, he went to Nangong Linfeng and gave him the photos he took.

Nangong Linfeng hadn't had a sip of tea before he came back. He didn't expect that the man in black would have come with evidence so soon.

"So fast?" Nangong Linfeng asked after looking at the camera.

The man in black reported, "Yes, it was someone from the Shangguan family who came to pass the letter, and he was met by his subordinates and took a photo of the contents of the letter!"

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