Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3722: Start collecting evidence 3

Nangong Linfeng waved to the man in black, took out the camera, and looked at the photos inside.

Although this is the ancient martial arts world, this kind of camera will still be passed to their ancient martial arts world, and as the head of the family, they will all play with such things.

Turning on the camera and seeing the photos inside, especially the content in the photos, Nangonglin risked to drop the camera in his hand directly to the ground.

Sure enough, Mu Yue was right. It turned out that it was Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting, who caused Nangong Yuehua to remain unconscious.

Thinking of this, Nangong Linfeng felt extremely regretful, and even more so anger and hatred.

He has raised two white-eyed wolves!

"Yuehua, I'm sorry, it was Dad who hurt you, and Dad was wrong!" Nangong Linfeng knew at this moment that all this was done by Nangong Wanting and Qian Lejun's mother and daughter.

Now, he also regrets it very much, why didn't he investigate it back then, did Qian Lejun approach him for another purpose?

It now appears that Qian Lejun approached him for a purpose, but he didn't even know it.

Had it not been for the death of his wife that he had no other thoughts, he would regret it!

"Fortunately, Yuehua gave birth to a good child!" Nangong Linfeng sighed softly and nodded.

Now, he was grateful that Nangong Yuehua had left Mu Yue, an outstanding daughter, not only saved herself, but also made her discover her own mistakes.

Thinking of Mu Yue, he had to tell Mu Yue about this, not knowing what she had planned.

So Nangong Linfeng went to find Mu Yue and the others.

When they came to Mu Yue's room, Mu Yue was sleeping, after all, she had been tired all day long.

The person who saw Nangong Linfeng was Xiao Junyan, and when he noticed that someone was approaching, he got out of bed first to prevent others from disturbing Mu Yue.

When Xiao Junyan saw Nangong Linfeng, his voice was a little cold and alienated, and asked, "Patriarch Nangong, what's the matter?"

Nangong Linfeng ignored Xiao Junyan's address to him and handed him the camera, "Let's take a look!"

Xiao Junyan took the camera and glanced at the photos taken inside, a cold light flashed under his eyes, and he looked up at Nangong Linfeng, "What are you going to do?"

"I really want to get their mother and daughter up now, but I don't know what Mu Yue thinks, so I want to ask her!" Nangong Linfeng explained.

Xiao Junyan nodded and said, "I put this here. You want them to be ashamed in front of everyone. After the game is over, they will expose their conspiracy. It's just that you have to pay more attention during this period, as long as there is action. , Put away all the evidence!"

Mu Yue said that some of her plans, so Xiao Junyan also told Nangong Linfeng not to act rashly for the time being, and to collect more evidence.

Nangong Linfeng nodded, "Okay, I listen to Mu Yue!"

Now, he regrets it very much, and naturally wants to make Mu Yue satisfied. She does what she wants to do, everything is up to her!

"Yue is still preaching, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back to accompany them, you go back, don't let Qian Lejun get close to mom!" Xiao Junyan said again, "Tell me, Dad!"

"Okay, I get it!" Nangong Linfeng wanted to say a few words, but saw that Xiao Junyan had already turned back very simply.

In the end, Nangong Linfeng could only sigh deeply and go back to the Nangong family first.

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