Qian Lejun returned to his room and took a few breaths. It was a long time before he was relieved.

Thinking of the losses I had suffered on Mu Haixuan's side, I felt very aggrieved and angry.

Moreover, Nangong Linfeng actually let Mu Haixuan take care of Nangong Yuehua in the future, not to her.

Thinking of this, Qian Lejun wrote another letter and handed it to his confidant to give it to Nangong Wanting.

"Chunju, you can give this letter to the lady right away!" Qian Lejun handed the letter to Chunju, "Don't let anyone see it!"

Chun Ju smiled, received the letter, and said confidently, "Madam, don't worry, this is not the first time I have done this kind of thing!"

Qian Lejun nodded and watched Chunju leave the room to deliver the letter.

However, this confidant Chunju was stopped by the man in black before he left the Nangong family.

"Ah!" Chun Ju was startled by the black man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

The man in black reached out and clicked on Chunju's dumb acupuncture point, and took her directly to Nangong Linfeng's study.

When Chunju was taken to Nangong Linfeng's room by the man in black, her face was pale with fright, her legs softened, and she knelt on the ground with a "thump".

Chunju, who originally wanted to ask for mercy, found that she couldn't speak.

Nangong Linfeng walked out from behind the desk and looked at Chunju with a very ugly face. He stretched out his hand and said coldly, "Take out the letter that Madam handed over to you!"

He knew that this person in black brought this person over, it should be because she had Qian Lejun's letter on her body.

Because he had already told Qian Lejun about Nangong Yuehua, and the news was still very bad for her, he would definitely tell Nangong Wanting about it.

That's why, he left Nangong Yuehua first, waiting for people to be sent to the door.

Now that people from their Nangong family do such a thing, Nangong Linfeng’s eyes are full of killing intent. If she weren’t from the Nangong family, perhaps Nangong Linfeng would not bring her. .

Nangong Linfeng was very angry for those who were eating inside and out.

When Chun Ju heard Nangong Linfeng's words, a look of shock appeared on her face. She didn't expect that Nangong Linfeng knew the letter his wife had just given her.

However, she still surviving a fluke in her heart, she shook her head and opened her mouth, but she couldn't make a sound.

Nangong Linfeng waved his hand and unlocked the acupuncture points on Chunju's body, and Chunju could make a sound immediately.

Chunju knelt on the ground, "Patriarch, what did the slave and maidservant do wrong? Bring the slave and maid over here!"

A cold light flashed through Nangong Linfeng's eyes, "Hehe, it seems that you really can't cry without seeing the coffin!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the guard took out a pill and stuffed it into Chunju's mouth.

Chunju suddenly felt a severe colic in her stomach, causing her to fall to the ground in pain.

The dark guard didn't care about Chunju's pain over there, and took out Qian Lejun's letter in her arms for a while, and handed it to Nangong Linfeng.

Chunju, who fell on the ground, saw that the dark guard had taken out the letter, and his heart sank to the bottom, knowing that the Patriarch must have known this matter.

Nangong Linfeng took the letter handed over by the dark guard, opened it and saw the content inside, his face was even more pitch black, and he slapped the table fiercely, gritted his teeth, "Bitch!"

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