Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3727: Break into the inside of the place 2

Nangong Linfeng suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head to look at Chunju on the ground, and handed the letter in his hand to the guard.

"Chunju, you really make me look at me!" Nangong Linfeng gritted his teeth and stared at Chunju angrily.

Chunju knelt on the ground in pain, kowtow to Nangong Linfeng, and immediately took everything out of the tray, "Patriarch, the maidservant is wrong, and the maidservant will never dare again. This letter was given to me by the lady, let me go To the lady! Please forgive me from the Patriarch!"

Nangong Linfeng snorted coldly, looking at Chunju with a strong killing intent.

However, Chunju is still very useful at this time, waved his hand, "Okay, don't kowtow!"

Chunju heard Nangong Linfeng's words and looked up at Nangong Linfeng expectantly.

"The poison given to you just now has a time limit. If you tell Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting this to let them know that I already know about them, you will realize what life is better than death! "Nangong Linfeng's eyes flashed with a chilly light, and her voice also had a deep chill.

Regardless of whether Chunju completed her mission in the end, her death is inevitable, and after the matter is over, she will no longer suppress the poison and let her die in pain.

If they betrayed their Nangong family and dared to help Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting harm Nangong Yuehua, it would have to pay a painful price.

When Chun Ju heard Nangong Linfeng's words, her body trembled slightly, and she quickly showed her loyalty, "Yes...the slave and maid will definitely tell the lady and the lady about this matter!"

Nangong Linfeng nodded, and said to comfort, "Give her a change of clothes, then follow him to deliver the letter, and let other people bring her family over!"

Chunju, who originally wanted to thank Nangong Linfeng for letting herself go, turned pale when she heard the following words.

Although Chunju was just a servant, but she was not stupid, otherwise she would not become Qian Lejun's confidant.

And she didn't expect that Nangong Linfeng didn't even believe in herself now, she was about to detain her relatives!

It is better to let people bring her relatives in front of her, just to remind her and warn her that it is best not to do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise, she and her family will die.

Now, Chunju regrets incomparably, she did such a thing in the first place!

She didn't think that Qian Lejun was able to relieve the poison in her body, and she could also make her immortal.

After all, the Nangong family is still in charge of Nangong Linfeng.

Chunju came to Shangguan's family under the gaze of the dark guard, and met Nangong Wanting.

Nangong Wanting saw Chunju's arrival, her face was a little shocked, "Chunju, why are you here?"

After easing, Chun Ju has recovered and handed the letter Qian Lejun had given him to Nangong Wanting, "Miss, this is the letter that Madam asked me to give you!"

Nangong Wanting heard the letter from Qian Lejun and quickly got up to take it and opened the envelope.

Seeing the content inside, Nangong Wanting's face became very ugly, and she sat down heavily on the sofa.

"Damn it!" Nangong Wanting didn't expect that Qian Lejun would bring such bad news to her.

She just feels that everything is right with her now, and what she is doing is not right.

Seeing Nangong Wanting's ugly face, Chunju lowered her head, knowing that Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting are in very bad condition now.

Naturally, he dared not tell them about his own affairs.

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