Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3738: A family of three goes shopping 1

After Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan had their breakfast, they took the little buns to go shopping together. This was the first time Mu Yue went shopping in Guwujie!

This time Mu Yue and the others waved away from the Nangong family. Instead of riding in the carriage, they went straight to the street. Mu Yue held the little bun in his arms with a spoiled smile on his lips, "Little bun, let’s go Go shopping, what do you want to buy?"

The little bun was held in Mu Yue's arms, turning his small body with big eyes, turning his head to look at the lively streets around him.

In this ancient martial arts world, unlike the city management or something outside, no stalls were allowed to be set up around this street.

The little bun pointed with a small hand, with the momentum of pointing the country, let Mu Yue follow along.

"Okay, let's go!" Mu Yue's mouth showed a smile, holding the little bun and walking in the direction of pointing.

Xiao Junyan followed Mu Yue and the others. As long as they wanted to buy, he would accompany him and pay for things.

The little bun looked at the snacks on the street, the color, fragrance, and taste were all delicious. The saliva from her mouth fell off, making Mu Yue's clothes wet by the little guy's saliva.

Seeing these delicious stuff, the little bun pointed her little finger at them, and her milky voice cried out to Mu Yue, "Mom, Mom..."

Mu Yue looked at the appearance of the little bun, a little funny, comforting him, "Little bun, you can't eat these things yet!"

The little bun was twisting his body, grievingly, "Mom..."

"Be good, let's not eat. When you have teeth and grow up, my mother will bring you to eat!" Mu Yue looked at the appearance of the little bun, a little helpless, and patted his back, comforting." Mother won’t eat, you won’t eat, mother won’t eat either, okay?"

A certain little bun crouched on Mu Yue's shoulders grievously, his eyes flushed, and his tears couldn't be shed.

However, Mu Yue can't give in to this point. How big are the small buns? How can these deep-fried stuffed be eaten?

Xiao Junyan glanced around and touched Xiao Baozi's head, "Yu'er, there is soy milk over there, let's drink soy milk!"

Mu Yue's eyes brightened when she heard it. Xiao Baozi is not an ordinary little nanny, so she can still eat those liquid foods.

"Let's go, Xiao Baozi, let's drink soy milk and eat Douhua, okay?" Mu Yue smiled and hugged Xiao Baozi to eat soy milk.

Xiao Junyan opened the way and asked the boss to prepare soy milk and bean curd, and sit on a table with Mu Yue and the others.

The boss quickly brought up the soy milk and tofu, seeing the little bun in Mu Yue's arms, and said complimentingly, "This kid is so cute!"

"Thank you!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, thanking the boss for his compliment.

Xiao Junyan stirred the soy milk, took a spoonful and handed it to Xiao Baozi, "Yu'er, be good, open your mouth!"

The little bun opened his small mouth happily, and drank the soy milk in the spoon directly with a mouthful.

Mu Yue wiped the soy milk that overflowed from the corner of Xiao Baozi's mouth, and asked with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

Xiao Baozi smashed his mouth, licked his little mouth with his little tongue, pointed his little finger at the soy milk, and looked at his father, "Yes!"

"Ha ha ha, I seem to like it very much!" Mu Yue listened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Junyan caringly said to Mu Yue, "You drink too! I can feed him!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, glanced at the little bun and tasted it, is there any difference between the soy milk in the ancient martial world and the secular world.

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