Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3739: A family of three goes shopping 2

Xiao Baozi finally drank half a bowl of soy milk and half a bowl of bean curd, and finally burped in Mu Yue's arms.

"Eat so much! The belly is so big!" Mu Yue looked at the contented little buns on his little face, touched his stomach with a smile, and said jokingly.

The little bun chuckled, rubbing his little head in Mu Yue's arms, and finally satisfied, there was nothing else to eat, and the grievances just now disappeared.

As for children, it is this kind of thing that comes out every time, and soon forgets many things.

"Let's go, let's go shopping in the street, if we are full, we shouldn't want to eat anything else!" Mu Yue smiled and said to Xiao Junyan while holding the little bun.

Xiao Junyan nodded and followed Mu Yue and the others to go shopping together.

There are a few shops on the street, selling everything, and the street is also very lively.

Seeing a shop selling clothes, Mu Yue looked at the little bun in his arms, "Little bun, let's go and see the clothes, buy you one?"

Xiao Baozi's fleshy arms hugged Mu Yue's neck and touched his little head. The milk sounded out a word, "Yes!"

As long as his mother bought it, he liked it, because his mother bought it for him!

Entering the clothing store, the boss in the tunic suit walked out with a smile, "Madam, what are you going to buy? Our clothes here are all upper class, absolutely exquisite, and great value for money!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said, "Are there any children's clothes?"

"Some and some!" Seeing the cute little bun in Mu Yue's arms, the boss quickly nodded with a smile, "Madam, come here!"

Bringing a little bun to the baby clothes cabinet, "Madam, this is the baby clothes in our store. Look, do you like it?"

Mu Yue nodded, lowered his head and smiled and said to the little bun in his arms, "Little bun, do you like it? You can also do it yourself!"

The little bun bit his little finger, allowed to suck, with a pair of big dark eyes, whirling around, looking around curiously.

"Yes!" The little bun pointed to a black dress and cried milkily at Mu Yue's milk.

Mu Yue glanced at the black clothes and shook her head. The little bun is so cute and wearing black clothes, she looks very mature.

Moreover, there is already an air conditioner in the house, and Xiao Baozi's character cannot be biased.

"No, it's not good-looking. How do we look at this one? The light blue one is very beautiful! There is a cute little tiger on it!" Mu Yue took a light blue baby suit and asked the little bun. .

The little bun bit his little finger, and finally nodded his little head, "Yes!"

"Come on, let's try!" Mu Yue smiled and tried clothes on Xiao Baozi.

Little Bun let Mu Yue change clothes for herself, and stretched out her little hands and feet obediently.

"Cute, beautiful!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded in satisfaction, "Baby, do you like it?"

The little bun was still jumping with his small body, just a word, "Yes!" Then the little finger pointed at Xiao Junyan, "Yes!"

That means, stinky papa, pay quickly!

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and said to Mu Yue, "You also choose a few!"

"It's okay, I will choose a few for Xiao Baozi first, and a few for you, I will choose later!" Mu Yue smiled and helped Xiao Baozi choose clothes.

Xiao Junyan shook his head and said, "I don't need it! You buy it!"

"It's okay, you also need a few pieces!" Mu Yue said with a smile, "just as a memorial!"

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