Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3745: Three brothers and sisters share blessings and misfortunes 2

In that box, Zhuge Yan and the others saw that they were Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan, and they were all surprised, it turned out to be them!

However, they are the only ones who are not afraid of the Shangguan family and dare to be enemies of the Shangguan family.

After all, Mu Yue's existence was all enemies of Shangguan's family, let alone injured Shangguan's slender again?

What about provoking again? I have already provoked, so I don’t have to worry about more debts!

"Tsk tusk tusk!" Zhuge Yan shook her head and said with a sigh, "Poor, deserve it, find abuse by yourself! Dare to fight Xiao Junyan right, it's just killing!"

Of course, in Zhugeyan's heart, Shangguan's slenderness must have offended Xiao Junyan before he would be taught.

Who is Xiao Junyan, that is a master of refining the void and combining the Tao, even his brother Zhuge Jin dare not easily say that he can defeat him.

"You said, will Shangguan's family avenge Shangguan's slenderness?" the person on the side asked.

Zhuge Yan curled her lips and said disdainfully, "Vengeance? How could it be possible? You didn't see the situation at the banquet at the time. Shangguan's family wouldn't bother Mu Yue for that stupid woman!"

"makes sense!"

"Hehe, but I just don't know if what Mu Yue said before is true!"

"It must be true, I wish he was true!"

"Some people want to occupy a magpie's nest, they must have this ability, even if they do not have the ability for more than 20 years, they have to vomit!"

Everyone talked a lot in the box, expressing their mockery of Shangguan's slenderness.

Shangguan Yaoyao stood up with the help of the maid, watching Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan leaving behind, gritted his teeth with anger, "Bitch, I won't let you go, oh..."

Shangguan, who was still aggressive and slender, felt the pain in his wrist, and the ferocious aura disappeared.

"Useless things, rubbish, you can't even hold this young lady, what's the use of you!" Shangguan Yaoyao didn't get anything good from Mu Yue, so he sprinkled all the qi on the maid's body. An angry kick kicked her on top.

The maid was kicked and fell to the ground, looking very pitiful and embarrassed, which finally gave Shangguan a little comfort.

Mu Yue naturally didn't know what happened here after she left, so she only chatted with Xiao Junyan.

"Why did this woman trouble you just now?" Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan with a smile.

Xiao Junyan didn't speak, but the little bun waved the toy in his hand and cried, "It's broken, broken, beat! Mom, beat!"

Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed pouting, and touched Xiao Baozi's head, "Well, Mommy has already beaten that villain for you. In the future, this villain dare to bully Xiao Baozi and mom. Mi said, Mommy will avenge you!"

"Yeah!" Little Bun nodded his little head heavily, "Mom loves it!"

After speaking, he pouted his own little mouth again and went to kiss Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan immediately cast a murderous look at a certain little bun, and his voice was cold and threatening, "Smelly boy, it's enough!"

Just now, in order to comfort a little bun, Mu Yue asked him to kiss him. Is this little guy addicted?

"Oh!" Mu Yue looked at the two father and son, and finally turned into a sigh. I really don't know what to say about these two father and son. It is estimated that they are on the same front only when facing the enemy!

Instead, she felt that she had become the center of their contradiction!

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