Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3746: Three brothers and sisters share blessings and misfortunes 3

Shangguan Yaoyao was sent to the Shangguan family.

Nangong Wanting heard that Shangguan Ao was injured and sent back, she suddenly became anxious, and she didn't take care of Shangguan Yanran, so she went to see Shangguan Ao.

It can be said that the entire young lady of Shangguan's family was taken up by the three of Mu Yue.

Shangguan Ying was beaten by a little bun who was still drinking milk, Shangguan Yanran was kicked by Xiao Junyan, and the last Shangguan slender was also kicked off after being severed by Mu Yue.

It can only be said that the three brothers and sisters are really blessed and shared difficulties and difficulties together!

"Slim, what's the matter with you? How could this be? Who hurt you?" Nangong Wanting looked at her daughter Shangguan's slender hands with bandages. She was anxious and asked her distressedly.

Shangguan's slender complaint gritted his teeth, "It's Mu Yue that bitch, she hurt me!"

"What?" Nangong Wanting showed a shocked look on her face when she heard Shangguan's slender words, and then she slapped her face on the armrest of the sofa fiercely with anger. hand!"

"Mom, you want to take revenge for me!" Shangguan Yaoyao looked at Nangong Wanting beggingly, and begged her.

Nangong Wanting looked at Shangguan's slender wrists, and thought of her son Shangguanying and another daughter Shangguan Yanran who was lying on the bed, and felt even more hatred in her heart.

Nangong Wanting nodded, her voice was a little cold, "I see!"

Without getting Nangong Wanting’s answer, Shangguan Xiaoyao added a little more oil, "Mom, you don’t know how hateful that **** is, and even said that you are the beggar girl who brought you back to Nangong Yuehua. Saying that you are inferior to the woman in the brothel, she doesn't bother to look at me, let alone give you any face!"

After Nangong Wanting heard it, she felt raging in her heart, this little **** dare to say that to her!

Who is even more humble, even calling her a beggar girl!

"Don't worry, I will avenge you, I won't just let that little **** go!"

She didn't expect that Mu Yue had only entered the ancient martial realm two days ago, and had already injured her three children, and she was simply hitting her in the face in Chi Guoguo!

Although she is not the young lady of the Nangong family, Mu Yue can't do that to them either!

"Never miss that bitch, kill her, kill her!" Shangguan Slender also gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Nangong Wanting patted the back of Shangguan's slim and uninjured hand, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I will find someone to avenge you!"

"Yeah!" Shangguan slenderly nodded.

Hearing that Nangong Wanting said that she was going to find someone to avenge her, she was immediately very happy.

Nangong Wanting comforted Shangguan Yaoyao and said, "Well, you, your sister, and brother are all injured. Let's rest at home during this time!"

"Yeah!" Shangguan nodded slenderly, tears falling down, "That bitch, I won't let her go, I want my dad to sue!"

Nangong Wanting listened, but did not avenge any hope. She held on to Shangguan and said, "Don't go to your dad. If he wants to help you, he will already avenge your brother and your sister, let alone. It's you!"

Shangguan Slender heard the words, but felt more reconciled, and stomped angrily, "Could it be that you just let her go?"

"I'm not going to find someone!" Nangong Wanting sneered, "You have a good rest, I will leave first!"

Knowing that Nangong Wanting was going to find someone to avenge herself, Shangguan Slender didn't stop her, but urged, "Well, mom, you go!"

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