Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3755: Pit Son's Smelly Ba Ba 2

After Mu Yue treated Nangong Yuehua, he expended a lot of effort, wiped the sweat from his face, and collected the silver needle.

Seeing that Nangong Yuehua's face was obviously better than when she was treated at the beginning, Mu Yue was still very happy in her heart and nodded.

Seeing Mu Yue's fatigue, Xiao Junyan walked directly to the bed and wiped the sweat from her cheeks, "I'll clean it up, you go to rest first!"

He lifted Mu Yue to the bed to take a rest, and then put away Mu Yue's silver needles for acupuncture and moxibustion.

The little bun saw Mu Yue tiredly leaning on the back of the sofa, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, turned his head and looked around, then pushed up his little **** again, and walked in front of Mu Yue staggeringly.

Standing on the edge of the sofa, holding the little bun on the armrest, swayingly walked to Mu Yue's side, holding her knees with both hands, raising her small head, staring at Mu Yue with big cute eyes. Full of worry.

Mu Yue felt a pair of small hands on her thighs, opened her eyes and saw that Little Bun was looking at him worriedly, smiled, picked him up, put him on her lap, "Little Bun, it's okay, Mommy is just tired, just take a rest!"

The little bun actually got down on Mu Yue's thigh and sat next to her, with a small body lying on her thigh, "Mom feels...Mom huhu..."

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help but laugh when listening to the cute appearance of the little bun. This little bun is really his own happy fruit!

"Okay, mother first take a break, Xiao Baozi will accompany Mommy!" Mu Yue smiled and stroked Xiao Baozi's head.

Little Bun nodded his little head, lay on Mu Yue's thigh, and watched Mu Yue closing her eyes and adjusting her breath with her big eyes open.

Nangong Linfeng looked at the change in Nangong Yuehua’s expression, and was very happy. He turned to look at Mu Yue and then at the little bun. In his heart, he really felt that he was lucky. There is such a good granddaughter, and there is still such a granddaughter. Great-grandson of a wise and genius.

Xiao Junyan sorted out the consultation box, and looked at the little bun who was lying on Mu Yue's lap, and also sat on the sofa.

Xiao Junyan took the little bun into his arms. Originally, the little bun wanted to resist, he heard the smelly bun in his ear and said, "Your mommy is tired. If you lie on your mommy, she will be tired too. of!"

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Junyan's words, the little bun stopped resisting, and could only sit in Xiao Junyan's arms.

Xiao Junyan put the little bun on the ground and said with a smile, "Yu'er, let's practice walking more. When your mom wakes up, you will be very happy to see that you can walk fast and steady. !"

When the little bun heard Xiao Junyan saying that he was walking well, Mommy would be very happy. His big eyes lit up, and he nodded his little head, and asked his little fist, "Mom!"

Xiao Junyan let go of his hand and let Little Bun directly practice walking there alone.

But Mu Haixuan gave Xiao Junyan a look of contempt and mockery. Could he not understand what this stinky boy meant?

Isn’t it just for the little bun to learn to walk later, so there is an excuse not to let Mu Yue hug it?

This stinky boy, even he has to sigh and admire this jealousy!

At this moment, a certain little bun who is trying to learn to walk has no idea that his stinky bun is working on him!

The little bun is still learning to walk diligently, even if he falls to the ground, his face is tight, and he is very serious, not afraid of pain, and looks and posture. It shows that Nangong Linfeng's heart is soft. It's a mess.

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