Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3756: Pit son's smelly papa 3

When Mu Yue woke up, it was already dark. Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue with concern, "Yue, is it better?"

Mu Yue opened his eyes and saw Xiao Junyan looking at him worriedly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Well, it's much better. I'll recover when I go back and have a rest!"

"The day after tomorrow will be the game, don't be too tired!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue nodded, "I see!"

At this moment, when he heard Mu Yue's voice, Xiao Baozi turned his head happily, and saw that Mu Yue woke up, raised his hands excitedly, and screamed, "Mom!"

Mu Yue turned his head, and saw that Little Bun was walking towards her quickly, and the path he walked was very steady, not as swaying as before.

"Little bun?" Mu Yue looked at the appearance of the little bun in surprise, squatted down, and hugged the little bun who was flying over into his arms. "Will you walk so steady?"

Little bun saw the surprised look on Mu Yue's face, and a bright and triumphant smile appeared on her little face, "Mom..."

Mu Haixuan glanced at Xiao Junyan next to him, and said, "The little bun listened to Xiao Junyan's words to make you happy, so that when you wake up, you can see that he can walk, so he can walk while you are resting! Look, it is now It’s not that it’s walking steadily, it’s slippery!"

Hearing Mu Haixuan's explanation, Mu Yue looked at Xiao Baozi with emotion, her eyes filled with mist. He didn't expect Xiao Baozi to be so behaved and did so many things for herself.

"Little bun, you are the pride of your mother! Mom loves you the most!" Mu Yue held the little bun and kissed his little cheek a few times.

The little bun was kissed several times by Mu Yue, her happy face was flushed, and she was rubbing against Mu Yue's arms happily.

As long as it is for my dear Xiangxiang Mummy, he is willing to do anything.

At least, his efforts just now paid off.

A certain little bun was happy, but a certain vinegar jar was unhappy, his handsome face showed a gloomy look, and his dark eyes stared coldly at the little bun in Mu Yue's arms.

However, the little bun who grew up in the threatening eyes of a vinegar jar was not afraid of the cold and murderous eyes.

Commander Xiao, who has always been considered exhaustive, has also made mistakes.

When Mu Haixuan saw a certain Xiao Junyan with an unhappy face, he was very happy and said, "Ah, this kid is too stubborn. I don't know who this character looks like. When I was practicing walking just now, I fell to the ground. If we don’t let us help, we have to get up and continue practicing!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Junyan turned to look at the adult-in-law who had been against him with some resentment.

His father-in-law just doesn't want him to "live" so well!

"Really?" Mu Yue felt even more distressed when she heard it, and looked up and down the little bun, "Baby, do you have any pain?"

When the little bun heard Mu Yue's question, his little head lit, and his big dark eyes were aggrieved. He touched his calf, and then his arm, with a grievance all over his face, "It hurts! Mommy! ..."

Mu Yue suddenly felt even more distressed, letting Little Bun sit on her lap, and gently stroking Little Bun's fleshy body.

"It's okay, Mommy will help you scream!" Mu Yue comforted Little Bun softly.

The little bun lying in Mu Yue's arms proudly and comfortably enjoyed a gentle touch.

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