Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3758: Shangguan's old guy is here 2

On the way to the guest house where Mu Yue and others lived, the Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family squinted his eyes and looked at the direction of the Nangong family.

Time is already very tight, and since Mu Yue is about to kill, then hurry up.

Therefore, the Taishang elder made this decision and will kill Mu Yue today, and he is the only one.

Because, if he is alone, this matter will not be easily dismantled.

And at this moment, Mu Yue had no idea that the Supreme Elder of Shangguan's family had already ambushed on the road to kill her.

In the car, Xiao Junyan had always resented forever, looking at Mu Yue with abandoned eyes.

While Mu Yue was playing with the little bun, she rolled her eyes silently, this guy was really getting more and more naive.

"Wife, I know I was wrong, don't leave me!" Xiao Junyan grabbed Mu Yue's arm and apologized weakly.

Mu Yue snorted, "It's useless to know that you are wrong. Today is to give you a memory to let you know that your son didn't let you bully!"

"Well, I won't do it anymore!" Xiao Junyan nodded straight, saying that he would never do this kind of thing again in the future.

Mu Yue rolled his eyes, "I won't do it later. Anyway, today's punishment is indispensable. I'm not a softhearted person. Don't say it anymore. Anyway, it will increase by two or three days!"

"Okay, I won't say anything!" Xiao Junyan nodded quickly.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, but it was not long before the smile lasted, she felt a murderous intent, "murderous?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan had already felt it, "It's aimed at us!"

Mu Yue also nodded, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Hehe, it should be from the Shangguan family!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the little bun in Mu Yue's arms, "For safety's sake, let's send the little bun to the space first, lest you get hurt and frightened!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, and touched Little Bun's head, "Little Bun, be good, go into the space, stay well, don't run around, you know?"

The little bun was holding Mu Yue's neck unhappily, and yelled aggrievedly, "Mom!"

Mu Yue sighed helplessly, "Hey, Mommy, if you have something to do, go to the space first!"

"It's okay if you don't go to the space. Mom and Dad will sleep tonight!" Xiao Junyan said coldly.

The little bun's face showed an aggrieved look, and he nodded his little head obediently, "Hmm! Mom!"

Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Junyan, a little bit dumbfounded, this guy's threatening method was really good, and it is estimated that he planned to do so in his heart.

After all, he was not afraid of the Shangguan family, and didn't think they could hurt Xiao Baozi in front of him.

Having obtained Little Bun's consent, Mu Yue sent the little bun into the space and saw him sitting obediently in his crib without crying, waiting for Mu Yue and the others to come in again.

Seeing the peaceful appearance of the little bun, Mu Yue felt relieved.

"Unexpectedly, this Shangguan family is quite arrogant! There is an old guy!" Mu Yue's mouth showed a confident and playful smile.

Xiao Junyan also nodded disdainfully, "Hmm!"

"Leave it to me, lead him to a sparsely populated place, let me practice my hand, I feel that I am going to break through, let me use his hand to break through!" Mu Yue smiled and turned his head and said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue, feeling the cultivation level on her body, nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

The increase in Mu Yue's cultivation base is good for everyone, so naturally he agreed.

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