Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3759: Shangguan's old guy is here 3

The carriage came to the ambush of the elders of Shangguan Taishang.

The elder Taishang stood on the top of the building, watching the carriage moving slowly below.

"It's here!" The elder squinted his eyes, his body exuding a strong murderous intent.

At this moment, the carriage stopped, and Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan came out from inside, raised their heads, and met the eyes of the elder Taishang.

The elder Taishang looked at the two people below with his eyes in surprise.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan jumped directly from the carriage, flew towards the Supreme Elder, and gently landed on the same roof.

"You!" The elder Taishang looked at Mu Yue in surprise and asked, "How do you know!"

"The Supreme Elder of Shangguan Family!" Xiao Junyan said lightly, not only said the identity of the Supreme Elder, but also explained the identity of the other party to Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan had seen photos of some old guys, but even if he hadn't seen them, seeing the dress of the grand elder of the Shangguan family proved his identity.

People in each family have different clothes and signs, as long as a discerning person can see their identity at a glance.

Only Mu Yue had just come into contact with the ancient martial arts world, so Xiao Junyan would carefully explain to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue chuckled lightly, and looked at this Supreme Elder mockingly, "The old immortal of the Shangguan family, are you lying in ambush here, are you trying to kill me? Your murderous aura has long been caught by us!"

If it is a person with a low cultivation base, facing the murderous aura hidden by a high cultivation base, it will not be felt.

That's why, even though the elder Shangguan Taishang exuded some murderous aura, he didn't think he would be discovered by Mu Yue and the others.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yue still didn't realize their whereabouts, and they also caught a current situation.

Because of the kind of ambush, not everyone can perceive or see it, and, just now, Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan were looking directly in his direction.

The elder Shangguan Taishang showed a shocked expression on his face, staring at Mu Yue and the others, "How could you possibly notice it!"

"Cut!" Mu Yue folded his arms and looked at the elder Shangguan Taishang mockingly, "With your old guy's brain, I want to know why, I think you should take your head off and update the system. !"

"What are you talking about!" When the elder Shangguan Taishang heard Mu Yue's words, he was immediately annoyed.

This bitch, the evil seed, dare to talk to him like this, it is absolutely damnable!

Mu Yue snorted, and said mockingly, "Old fellow! I am immortal! Do you dare to follow me!"

After speaking, Mu Yue turned and headed towards the remote direction of Guwujie.

This is also in order to prevent others from discovering that one must go to that kind of place.

When the elder Shangguan Taishang heard Mu Yue's words, he felt like a cat's claw in his heart. He really wanted to know why.

Seeing Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan turning to leave, they quickly followed.

"Niezhong, stop! Don't run away!" Seeing Mu Yue and the others leave, the elder Shangguan yelled angrily, and hurriedly followed.

This evil kind of dare to provoke him so much, it is simply looking for death, he must kill him immediately, only by killing her can he vent his hatred.

"Bitch! Looking for death!" Shangguan Taishang elder gritted his teeth, and the killing intent suddenly broke out and followed Mu Yue and the others towards the remote place.

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