Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3760: Stepping stone old guy 1

With Xiao Junyan's guidance, Mu Yue led the Shangguan Taishang elder to a remote place.

Mu Yue landed easily on the ground, looking at the figure followed by the elder Shangguan Taishang.

The elder Shangguan was angry, but he hadn't noticed. He chased Mu Yue, but he never caught up with him, and was also taken to this place deliberately.

Because, in his heart, he has always looked down on Mu Yue, and even more disdainful of Mu Yue.

Mu Yue looked at the elder Shangguan Taishang, folded his hands on his chest, and said with a smile, "Old fellow, I didn't expect you to be able to catch up to my speed!"

"Little bitch, evil seed!" Shangguan Taishang elder glared at Mu Yue angrily, wishing to tear her mouth apart.

Mu Yue sarcastically looked at the elder Shangguan Taishang who hadn't noticed anything until now, probably because he was irritated by herself.

"Old guy, chasing all the way, haven't you seen my cultivation level yet?" Mu Yue took a step forward and looked at Shangguan Taishang elder with a smile, "Sure enough, the old guy is the old man. Guys, your mind has already degenerated!"

When the elder Shangguan Taishang heard Mu Yue's words, the anger in his heart disappeared a lot, and he was stunned.

Then I remembered that something was wrong, for example, I had chased Mu Yue for so long, but I didn't catch up with Mu Yue.

"You...your cultivation base!" Only then did Elder Shangguan Taishang react, staring his eyes in disbelief.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, "Hehe, I finally noticed it! It's a pity, it's too late to notice it!"

After speaking, the elder Shangguan Taishang felt that Mu Yue's cultivation level suddenly soared, and he stopped at the peak of the middle stage of refining the emptiness and harmony.

"What! The mid-stage of refining the emptiness and the Dao...the pinnacle!" The elder Shangguan stared in disbelief.

He didn't expect that this turned out to be true.

Subconsciously, the elder Shangguan Taishang rubbed his eyes, still couldn't believe it was true.

The elder Shangguan Taishang trembled and asked Mu Yue, "How could you..."

"Why is it impossible?" Mu Yue chuckled lightly and looked at Shangguan Taishang elder mockingly, "I am not you stupid idiot, otherwise, it won't be now, and it won't be the only way to practice the falsehood. In the later period, it seems that it has only been a breakthrough, right?"

As for the breakthrough in the cultivation of the Shangguan Taishang Elder, it was not Xiao Junyan that told her, but he saw it. As a descendant of the mysterious doctor, this can naturally be seen.

Where did Elder Shangguan Taishang have other thoughts to get angry, staring at Mu Yue, he was completely shocked by Mu Yue's cultivation.

"No...impossible! How could your cultivation level be the middle stage of refining the void and combining the Dao!" The elder Shangguan pointed at Mu Yue angrily.

When Mu Yue saw the appearance of Shangguan Taishang Elder, she felt very happy in her heart.

"Why can't I just refining the emptiness and being in harmony? Isn't it possible that I can only be if you are?" Mu Yue sneered and looked at the Shangguan Taishang elder again.

The elder Shangguan Taishang pointed at Mu Yue angrily and shouted, "No, it's impossible. You are not practicing the emptiness and harmony, I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not, it's not your mouth that has the final say!" Mu Yue snorted coldly. He already had an extra saber in his hand, exuding a powerful mid-stage refining and holistic aura. "Let you come to see and see. , My cultivation base is real or fake!"

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