Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3761: Stepping stone old guy 2

Since the Supreme Elder of Shangguan's family is here, Mu Yue also wanted to use his hand to help him break through to the late stage of Lianxu Hedao.

Being a junior, Mu Yue, and he still thinks that he is the elder Shangguan and Taishang, how could he be afraid of such a **** as Mu Yue?

When the elder Shangguan Taishang saw Mu Yue attacking him, his aura and murderous aura suddenly skyrocketed, and he furiously attacked Mu Yue.

"Bitch, you dare to be rampant in front of the old man! You are looking for death!"

Mu Yue didn't fear the attack of the elder Shangguan Taishang.

Although this Shangguan Taishang elder was very old, and his cultivation base was better than his own, he was in the late stage of refining the virtual and combining the Tao.

However, Mu Yue also heard Xiao Junyan say.

Although the cultivation bases of these ancient martial arts breakthroughs are relatively high, they are not as good as Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming.

Xiao Junyan and Ye Tianming were completely wandering between life and death, absorbing experience in battle, and breaking through in battle. Their skills and cultivation are completely matched.

However, the people of these families are different.

They have grown up in this ancient martial arts world since they were young, and even these old folks used to rely on their own practice to accumulate and improve, rather than making breakthroughs in the wandering between life and death.

The most important thing is that they don't usually fight, even if they fight, they don't have as many fights as Xiao Junyan and others.

Even if it was compared with Mu Yue, it couldn't be compared.

Mu Yue also played against Xiao Junyan or Mu Haixuan every day, every week.

Especially when he knew that he was going to come to the ancient martial world and to represent the secular world to participate in the competition, Mu Yue practiced against Xiao Junyan in the space every day, and his skills were also very proficient.

This Shangguan Taishang elder was almost hands-on after becoming an elder, and he usually improved his cultivation level by meditating cross-legged. The experience he had accumulated before was no longer comparable to Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan stood by, watching Mu Yue and Shangguan Taishang elder fighting, Leng Jun's face did not show the slightest worry, on the contrary, he was abnormally calm.

He knew that although Mu Yue was a little weaker than the Shangguan Taishang Elder, but it was not that Shangguan Taishang elders could hurt if they wanted to.

The elder Shangguan Taishang faced Mu Yue's fierce attack, shocked in his heart.

Originally wanted to kill this evil seed like this, but found that he was facing Mu Yue's attack, and he still had more than enough energy.

This was not because his cultivation base was not much better than Mu Yue, but he was completely shocked, and he never expected Mu Yue to be so powerful.

A smile appeared at the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, waving the saber in his hand, mockingly said to the elder Shangguan Taishang who was a little embarrassed, "Old fellow, why don't you fight back? I'm waiting for you to fight back!"

The elder Shangguan Taishang who was forced to go backwards angrily Mu Yue gritted her teeth, "Bitch!"

"Old guy, believe it or not now?" Mu Yue looked at Shangguan Taishang elder mockingly.

There are blue veins on the old face of the elder Shangguan, which is ugly!

Now even if he doesn't believe it, he has to believe it. This is true. Mu Yue is really in the middle stage of refining the emptiness and harmony.

Compared with the two people's abilities, Mu Yue was on the contrary better, which shocked him beyond words, and his reaction power and combat effectiveness were also weakened a lot.

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