Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3775: Proceed to Martial Arts Field 1

The matters of Nangong Yuehua were handled well, and the next day was the day of the game.

However, before dawn that day, Nangong Wanting quietly came to the forbidden area of ​​the Shangguan family, and came to find the elder Shangguan Taishang.

Nangong Wanting did not see the elder Taishang, but was stopped by the guards, "I want to see the elder Taishang!"

"Sorry, Madam, the Supreme Elder is not here!" The guard said to Nangong Wanting with a cold face.

Nangong Wanting said in disbelief, "Why is the Supreme Elder not here? You didn't lie to me?"

"Madam, the Supreme Elder is indeed not there. After you met the Supreme Elder the day before yesterday, the Supreme Elder sent someone to investigate Mu Yue, and then went out and never came back. It should be an opportunity to kill Mu Yue personally!" The guard explained.

Nangong Wanting nodded suddenly when she heard the guard's explanation, and then asked, "When will the elder Taishang come back?"

The guard replied indifferently, "The Supreme Elder is the master, and it is not for us as subordinates to intervene at will!"

Nangong Wanting was very dissatisfied with this answer, but she could only say, "Okay, I know! Since the Supreme Elder is not there, I will not stay. If the Supreme Elder comes back, tell me too!"

"The Supreme Elder has an order, I will inform Madam!" The guard replied.

In the hearts of these guards, Nangong Wanting was not accepted as the mistress, so he would give the unpleasant Supreme Elder, if not for the order of the Supreme Elder, he would not casually tell the whereabouts of the Supreme Elder Nangong Wanting.

Nangong Wanting turned black when she heard the guard's words, and her heart was extremely angry. If she didn't understand what she meant, she wouldn't be able to achieve her current position.

Thinking of being looked down upon by his guards, he was extremely angry.

However, these guards belonged to the guards of the elder Taishang, even if she was upset, she was not qualified to blame them, she could only swallow this bad breath.

Even if she became the mistress of the Shangguan family, she still suffered a lot of grievances, and her hatred for Nangong Yuehua was even greater.

Why is Nangong Yuehua born as the young lady of the Nangong family, she has enjoyed everything since she was a child, but she can't!

Even if she robbed it, she still couldn't get the status and glory she wanted.

This is one of the reasons why she has always hated Nangong Yuehua. If she wants to get what she can't get, she has to use different methods.

Nangong Wanting angrily left the forbidden area and returned to her yard.

Shangguanying just got up at this time, and came out of her room with a yawn, ready to eat breakfast. After breakfast, he has to go to the competition!

However, he still had a bandage on his forehead, but it was soon able to untie it.

"Ying'er, you are awake!" Looking at Shangguan Ying, Nangong Wanting finally showed a far-fetched smile.

Shangguanying nodded, and smiled to say hello to Nangong Wanting, "Mom, you got up so early! Are you going to the game too?"

Nangong Wanting and the others are women, the mother of the family, but they can't go to the game casually. They can only watch the game on one side of the guest seat.

"Naturally, I want to go! Mommy wants to see you become majestic in the ring and kill the evil seed!" Nangong Wanting walked up to Shangguan Ying with a look of kindness and pride on her face.

She didn't think her son would be better than Nangong Yuehua's daughter!

She wanted to watch Shangguan Ying kill Mu Yue's evil seed with her own eyes.

"Don't worry, Mom, that's for sure!"

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