Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3776: Proceed to Martial Arts Field 2

The four big families all go to the martial arts field of the game, and the four big families can be said to be masters.

Mu Yue and the others are also preparing for today's game.

Mu Haixuan stood in front of everyone's team and looked at the disciples who came out of the secular world. They were all players participating in the competition. He nodded, "Do you have any confidence?"

"Yes!" All the disciples roared, whether they were participating in the competition or not.

"Very good!" Mu Haixuan nodded in satisfaction, "Let's go!"

As long as everyone has momentum and determination, he doesn't need to say too much about him, everything is in his hands.

In the current game, as long as Mu Yue and Xiao Jun Yanzi are there, they will win the game.

The little bun was jumping excitedly in Xiao Junyan's arms, babbling and holding his small fists, cheering for everyone.

Everyone looked at the little buns standing in their hearts, always making noise in the arms of the iceberg, and couldn't help but secretly admire them.

"Don't move!" Xiao Junyan's face was sullen, and he lightly patted Little Bun's little butt.

The little bun was photographed as a little butt, he touched his little **** aggrievedly, flattened his mouth, started crying, and complained to Mu Yue, "Mom, mom..."

"Don't move!" Xiao Junyan pressed the little bun, "Your mother will be tired!"

The disciples of the secular world almost staggered under their feet and fell to the ground.

Said that they should get acquainted with Xiao Junyan as soon as possible, otherwise, the things that thundered them one by one would happen again.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the little bun, Mu Yue could only shook his head helplessly, "Well, you father and son don't play, hurry up, go to see the martial arts field first, I haven't seen the martial arts field yet, let me I’ll see it first, otherwise, it’s not good to be too nervous to play accidentally!"

Xiao Junyan nodded and followed Mu Haixuan with the little bun in his arms.

Han Tao looked at the pitiful appearance of the little bun and touched his little head, "Little baby, do you want to be a teacher? Don't your stinky papa hug you!"

The little bun leaned on Xiao Junyan's shoulder, squeezed his little **** with excitement, and opened his hands to Han Tao, "Hug!"

Han Tao laughed, "Oh, my little baby is such a good-looking baby, come here, Master will hug it, it must be more comfortable than your stinky papa!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at the stinky boy in his arms, and directly gave him to his master Han Tao, and asked him to carry him away, as long as he didn't pester Mu Yue.

When Han Tao received the little bun, he saw the little bun in his arms, staring fiercely at Xiao Junyan.

"Hahaha, little bun, don't you like your stinky bun?" Han Tao asked little bun in a low voice with a smile.

Xiao Baozi nodded his little head and bulged his cheeks, expressing his approval.

Han Tao urged Xiao Baozi with a smile again and said, "Don't be afraid, Master will help you, Master will teach you how to avenge your stinky bun!"

"En En En En!" Little Bun lighted his little head and held his little fist, babbling over there, saying that he wanted Master to help him avenge the stinky papa.

Xiao Junyan glanced sideways at how his master and his son were conspiring over there to prepare for revenge.

However, he didn't bother to care about how this stinky boy retaliated against him, not to mention his master would not do such a naive thing.

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