"Everyone is almost there, it's about to start soon!" Mu Haixuan stood up, glanced at the playing field already full of people from the ancient martial arts, and nodded gently.

Xiao Junyan reminded Mu Yue, "Let's clean up too, let's go down to draw lots!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, and gave the little bun in her arms to Han Tao, "Son, mommy went to draw lots, let the master hug!"

"Mom!" The little bun held his little fist and bulged his little cheek.

Mu Yue smiled and touched the little bun's head, "Really good!"

Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue came to the competition venue together. At this time, many contestants also lined up and entered the competition arena.

A transparent lottery box has been visited above. Inside is a small white ball, and inside this ball is a number.

In the ring, everyone met and greeted each other.

When Ouyang Tianyu saw Mu Yue and the others, he smiled and gave them a fist, "Brother Xiao! Wait a minute, I'll show you more!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, as concise as always.

Mu Yue smiled and hugged Xiao Junyan's arm, and said, "This is natural. You can see the true chapter in a moment!"

"I don't know, what is Mrs. Xiao's cultivation level!" Ouyang Tianyu asked Mu Yue with a smile.

Mu Yue blinked, and said mysteriously, "Don't you think Young Master Ouyang can feel it? If you can't feel it, then I can only tell you on the game!"

Ouyang Tianyu chuckled and nodded, "Well then!"

They could still know some of Xiao Junyan's cultivation base through his shots, but Mu Yue didn't know.

It was really too few of Mu Yue's chances to actually make a move, giving them almost any information.

The most important thing is that Mu Yue's breakthrough speed is not something they can guess at random.

"Ms. Xiao's cultivation base should be hidden by some technique? I can't even feel it at all!" Zhuge Jin also stood in front of Mu Yue and asked curiously.

Mu Yue smiled slightly and nodded, "This is natural!"

Her cultivation aura is not hidden by her cultivation technique, but their cultivation is too weak, so she can't feel her cultivation.

And none of these people present has a stronger cultivation base than their own, so naturally they will not be aware of their true cultivation base.

Generally, you can feel the opponent's true cultivation level. If the other party deliberately hides it, you need a level difference to be able to feel it.

In the eyes of Zhuge Jin and the others, Mu Yue's cultivation base was hidden by the special technique of the mysterious doctor.

It's just that they have any guesses in their hearts, Mu Yue doesn't care, she just pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Hmph, I don't know how to be beaten up by us after a while!" Shangguan Ying stepped up, watching Mu Yue's eyes full of strong hostility and strong sarcasm.

In his eyes, no matter how hidden it is, it will not be higher than his cultivation base.

After all, Mu Yue's age was younger than him, and he was still in the secular world, and there was no superb practice at all.

The cultivation base is definitely inferior to them, which also makes him so confident and arrogant.

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