Mu Yue turned his head, glanced at Shangguan Ying coldly, and hummed mockingly, "It's better than some people, even my son who is still drinking can be hurt and bleeding!"

Thinking of what Xiao Baozi had done, Mu Yue couldn't help but secretly give her baby son a hundred likes, which was really awesome.

When Shangguan Ying heard Mu Yue's mocking words, she only felt that two loud slaps slapped his face fiercely, making him feel embarrassed.

"Bitch, what are you talking about!" Shangguan Ying pointed at Mu Yue angrily, and shouted.

Mu Yue snorted and looked at Shangguan Ying contemptuously, "Shangguan Ying, you'd better not meet me in the first game, otherwise, hehe, you will die miserably in the end!"

"Huh, bitch, don't be too arrogant, you'd better pray not to fight with me, otherwise, I will let you lose all your face in front of everyone!" Shangguan Ying clenched her fist angrily, gritted her teeth and threatened Mu Yue. .

Xiao Junyan's dark eyes flashed with a cold light, and his body exuded a thick murderous intent. Mu Yue firmly grasped Xiao Junyan's arm with both hands, and pressed him firmly, not to let him act rashly.

This is in the arena of the game, but it can't be in Shangguan Ying.

Mu Yue looked at Shangguan Ying with disdain. Now it's not the time to fight the quarrel, and he smiled and said, "Is it? I don't think how powerful a sinner born from a lowly woman would be!"

When Shangguan Ying heard Mu Yue's words, the anger in her heart burst into flames, the anger on her face was fully revealed, and she was about to move towards Mu Yue's angry attack.

However, before he took the shot, Shangguan Lian grabbed his arm and said coldly, "This is the competition arena, and the Patriarch is still watching!"

The stopped Shangguanying turned his head and stared at Shangguan Company angrily, and cursed, "Shangguan Company, you dare to take care of this young master's affairs, don't think that you have the opportunity to be the young master, you can ignore this young master!"

Shangguanlian ignored Shangguanying's scolding, and with a flick of his hand, he threw Shangguanying out, and said to Xiao Junyan and Mu Yue, "Sorry, some people owe lessons!"

"It's okay!" Mu Yue chuckled lightly, and glanced at Shangguan Ying who was covering his arm. His eyes were full of sarcasm and disdain. "The mouse's son will make holes. That's right, it's him!"

Shangguan Ying gritted her teeth with anger and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by other contestants from the Shangguan family.

All the people watched the movement on the ring and discussed with each other.

"Hey, isn't this the young master of the Shangguan family? Who is the one arguing with him?"

"Huh, don't even know her? Don't you know the daughter of the powerful Nangong family and the life of the secular world?"

"This is the daughter of the Nangong family and the daughter of a foreigner? It's really pretty!"

"That's right! However, it seems that you are going against the Shangguan family!"

"What happened back then has spread again! I didn't know that there was such a deep origin!"

"I just knew it too. After all, it was already 20 years ago. Everyone is about to forget. How could you young people know this!"

"I just don't know how amazing the daughter born to Miss Nangong is, she actually participated in the competition on behalf of the secular world!"

Everyone was talking in their seats and watching the good show on the stage.

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