Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3916: Restore the truth of the year 1

Nangong Yuehua turned to look at Mu Yue and Mu Haixuan, and said with a sigh, "Unexpectedly, after I fell off the cliff, and I slept for more than ten years as soon as I slept!"

Mu Haixuan sighed softly, looked at Nangong Yuehua with concern, and asked, "Yuehua, do you know that you haven't awakened for so many years, but you were actually poisoned by someone!"

"Poisoned?" Nangong Yuehua was taken aback and looked at Mu Haixuan in surprise.

Mu Haixuan nodded and glanced at Mu Yue, "If it weren't for our daughter Xiaoyue'er, she helped you get rid of the poison, you might not know when you will wake up!"

Nangong Yuehua's face was full of surprises, and she never expected it to be like this.

Mu Yue also solemnly nodded to Nangong Yuehua, "Yes! Mom, you have been poisoned all the time, so you won't be able to wake up!"

"Who the hell... poisoned me!" Nangong Yuehua asked with a trembling voice, looking at Mu Yue.

Mu Yue pursed her lips and did not answer. Instead, she asked Nangong Yuehua, "Mom, before telling you, let me ask first, how did you leave the Nangong family and the ancient martial arts back then?"

Nangong Yuehua thought for a while, and said, "Back then, I was young and energetic. I talked to Sister Wanting about the secular world and wanted to go out of the secular world to see. But Sister Wanting could not go out, but I was able to go out. Then I went out. !"

When I heard that Nangong Yuehua left the ancient martial world, there was also Nangong Wanting's handwriting.

"Then, did the son of the elder elder do anything bad to you?" Mu Yue also asked Nangong Yuehua with concern.

Nangong Yuehua frowned when she heard it, and said with some embarrassment, "There is nothing bad, but I calculated him!"

"What do you mean?" Mu Yue and Mu Haixuan both looked at Nangong Yuehua in confusion.

Nangong Yuehua said helplessly, "Actually, this thing is like this. Back then, it was not me who was frivolous, but sister Wanting! Oh, Yueer, I don't know if you know her, she... "

"Well, I know, she is your stepmother's daughter!" Mu Yue nodded and explained.

Nangong Yuehua nodded, "Yes!"

"Back then, I wanted to tell my dad and family elders about this incident, but she was stopped by her. After all, she is not a lady of the Nangong family bloodline. Even if this incident were told to dad, they would not stand. On her side, so, Sister Wanting and I set up a strategy together to let the son of the elder elder, so that my dad punished him!" Nangong Yuehua sighed softly, thinking Back then, she asked Mu Yue curiously, "Yue'er, you mean, he was the one who poisoned me?"

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "He is dead. I heard that when you passed away in the secular world, he wanted to kill you, but was seriously injured by my dad and you. He died after returning!"

When Nangong Yuehua heard this, her face was shocked and unbelievable, "He...dead...It turns out that the person is him, I guess it's not wrong!"

After Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue heard this, they asked Nangong Yuehua in surprise, "Yuehua, you mean, did you guess who came to kill you back then?"

"I didn't fully guess it either!" Nangong Yuehua shook her head, sighed, and said, "I only thought the killer was like a person back then, but I can't remember it. Now that Yue'er speaks about it, I just understand it now. ,It's him!"

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