After listening to Nangong Yuehua's explanation, Mu Yue felt that all the questions in her heart had been solved and all the lines were connected.

Perhaps all this was under the design of Nangong Wanting, which led to all these consequences.

Mu Haixuan sighed softly and said to Nangong Yuehua, "Yuehua, don't you, have you never doubted your stepmother Qian Lejun and Nangong Wanting?"

Nangong Yuehua looked at Mu Haixuan in confusion, frowned, and asked, "What? I don't understand, why should I doubt them? Could it be...could it be that they gave me the medicine?"

Seeing the shock and disbelief on Nangong Yuehua's face, Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue both nodded.

" could it be!" Nangong Yuehua trembled and muttered to herself, still unwilling to believe that it was true.

Nangong Yuehua didn't want to believe that the people who hurt her turned out to be the stepmother Qian Lejun and sister Nangong Wanting whom she had always trusted.

"Why are they doing this?" Nangong Yuehua still asked Mu Haixuan and Mu Yue in disbelief.

Mu Yue frowned and said, "I don't know why, but she has sent many assassins to kill me. Even people like Shangguan Taishang elders please come out and kill me, if it wasn't for Jun Yan to accompany me. , I guess I would have died long ago!"

Although she solved the problem of the Supreme Elder of the Shangguan family, she still let Xiao Junyan come out at this time and brush her favorability in front of Nangong Yuehua.

"So, I want to ask Mom, did you do something that made Nangong Wanting and Qian Lejun hate you?" Mu Yue asked Nangong Yuehua again.

Nangong Yuehua frowned and thought, her expression was very tangled and complicated, "I don't know, I still don't believe they would do that kind of thing to me!"

The current Nangong Yuehua only felt that her head was messy, and she never expected that their mother and daughter would do those things to her.

Their mother and daughter will have today, all because of her, she made their lives better!

"How do they do such ungrateful things?" Nangong Yuehua once again shed heartache tears, shaking her head and said in disbelief.

Mu Yue asked Nangong Yuehua with concern again, "Mom, haven't you heard some rumors about Nangong Wanting in the family back then?"

Nangong Yuehua thought for a while, and said, "Rumors? I...I didn't notice this either!"

Mu Yue stroked her chin, thought for a while, and asked, "Then...Did Nangong Wanting say who she liked, for example, Shangguan Xiang?"

Nangong Yuehua thought for a while, shook her head, "No, she didn't tell me this!"

"Then why are you aiming at you, mom?" Mu Yue was also a little entangled, there is no reason! Is it just looking at your own mother that is not pleasing to your eyes?

This is indeed possible, but she still feels that there is something she doesn't know about in this.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue and said in silence for a moment, "I have investigated some things in the past. I have heard in the ears of the elderly of the Nangong family. There was a rumor in the circle of the descendants that Nangong Wanting and the son of the elder I walked very close! Just to marry Shangguanxiang on behalf of my mother, the matter is over!"

"Pop!" After hearing Xiao Junyan's words, Mu Yue understood instantly, patted her palm, "I see!"


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