Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3935: Shangguanjia follow-up troubles 1

What happened to the Shangguan family did not reach anyone else's ears for a while.

However, things can never be kept secret, and everyone deliberately investigated it, and it quickly reached their ears.

Patriarch Zhuge, Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Yan were shocked when they heard the news.

"Watcio, really?" Zhuge Yan exclaimed, where is the image of a lady.

She didn't expect that they would have poisoned it.

"Unexpectedly, it was Nangong Wanting, Shangguan Yanran, and Shangguanyao who poisoned Shangguanlian! The purpose is not only to kill Shangguanlian, but also to blame Mu Yue!" Zhuge Jin also frowned and was shocked. Said.

Zhuge Yan grabbed Zhuge Jin's arm and said nervously and gratefully, "Brother, fortunately, you have never been entangled by that **** Shangguan, and she never married our Zhuge family, otherwise, our Zhuge family They will also be ruined!"

Thinking that Shangguan Xiaoyao always pestered Zhuge Jin in the past, Zhuge Yan was flustered, very fortunate that she didn't let this woman's plan succeed at that time.

Zhuge Jin glared at Zhuge Yan irritably, what is this dead girl talking nonsense!

"Haha, I really didn't expect that everything that year was done by the woman Nangong Wanting!" Patriarch Zhuge touched his chin and chuckled, "Fortunately, I didn't have a marriage contract with Nangong Yuehua back then. Otherwise, that woman will marry me!"

I have to say that Patriarch Zhuge really said that if he was the person who had a marriage contract with Nangong Yuehua, Nangong Wanting would never hesitate to marry him.

After all, in Nangong Wanting's heart, she didn't really like and fell in love with Guan Xiang. In fact, she loved Shang Guan Xiang's position from beginning to end, not him.

I’m afraid that even Nangong Wanting doesn’t know if she really falls in love with Guan Xiang or his position, or if she is unwilling to just watch Nangong Yuehua get something easily, she can’t get it. To.

"Puff...hahaha..." Zhuge Yan clutched her belly, laughed haha, and said, "Fortunately, my mother is not the **** of Nangong Wanting, otherwise, I will call her mother, I really am Feel ashamed!"

Zhuge Jin frowned and said, "It is estimated that now the entire Shangguan family is shocked by this incident!"

"Yes!" Patriarch Zhuge smiled and nodded, and said, "Shangguanxiang should have a headache. He has been calculated by a woman for more than 20 years. Alas, I really sympathize with him!"

For Shangguanxiang, he expressed 120,000 points of sympathy, which is really pitiful.

To be honest, he didn't see that Nangong Wanting was such a woman. It can be said that the entire ancient martial arts world didn't know it, right?

I really have to admire Nangong Wanting. Although my identity is far from them, I got my status today through Nangong Yuehua. Sometimes, I really can’t underestimate a woman!

"Jin'er, in the future, you can't underestimate women!" Patriarch Zhuge turned his head to remind Zhuge Jin.

Zhuge Jin couldn't help flashing the shadow of Mu Yue in his mind, and nodded solemnly, "I know!"

It is true that women cannot be underestimated, otherwise, how could they be shocked by Mu Yue's true cultivation.

She turned out to be in the late stage of refining the void and combining the Tao, with such a cultivation base, even he didn't know when he would be able to break through.

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