Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 3936: Shangguanjia follow-up trouble 2

Ye Tianming smiled and came to the courtyard where Mu Yue and the others lived, and saw that Mu Yue and the others were playing with the little buns.

"Boss, sister-in-law, good news, great news!" Ye Tianming said while walking excitedly.

Mu Yue raised his head to look at Ye Tianming, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Is there news about the Shangguan family's side?"

Ye Tianming smiled and squatted in front of the little bun, and gave Mu Yue a thumbs up, "Yes, little sister-in-law is really smart, of course it is good news from the Shangguan family!"

"Let's talk about it!" Mu Yue said with a light smile.

Although there is no need to listen to Ye Tianming, she has already guessed the result, but she still needs to listen to the process.

Ye Tianming said over there Balabala about what happened to the Shangguan family.

When Mu Yue heard this, a light smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, a calculating light flashed under her eyes, her voice was a bit cold, "Nangong Wanting, did you not expect that you will have today too!"

"Yeah!" Ye Tianming nodded and said mockingly, "I really don't know how these people from the ancient martial arts world are so stupid. They have been tricked by Nangong Wanting. In the past twenty years, there has been one. No one noticed it!"

For their stupidity, Ye Tianming expressed a little speechless and a little funny.

It should be easy to detect things, they didn't even feel it, and they gave Nangong Wanting such a good opportunity.

Mu Yue sneered and said mockingly, "In their hearts, they always feel that they are superior, how can they think that they have been calculated by the lowly Nangong Wanting they think!"

They have to tell the truth about Mu Yue, they really feel like they are superior.

He looked down on Mu Haixuan even more, and he still robbed the fiancé of the young master of the Shangguan family, one of the four major families, which was a slap in the face for them.

When they heard the news, they didn't suspect him at all, and directly convicted Mu Haixuan of death, let alone allowing him to be with Nangong Yuehua.

As a result, they didn't think about other aspects at all, let alone Nangong Wanting's strategy, which was taken advantage of by her.

More than 20 years have passed without knowing it, and they have not noticed that if Mu Yue hadn't come to the ancient martial world, it is estimated that they would not know the truth of all this, and Nangong Wanting would not reveal it.

This can only be said that it is not that the time for non-reporting has not arrived, Nangong Wanting has done so many evil things, and it is time to get retribution.

"Yeah! It can only be said that they are making their own way! Ha ha..." Ye Tianming also sneered, showing contempt for these ancient martial arts people who have always been superior.

What's wrong with the superior? It's not that she was beaten up by a woman like Mu Yue.

Don't they look down on their secular world? Then let them see and see, who is more powerful!

Let them be beaten so embarrassed and miserable by a woman from the secular world, I don't know if this face can see people!

"The price they have to pay is more than that, this is just the beginning!" Mu Yue said coldly with a glint flashing under his eyes.

Don't think that her revenge ended so easily, this matter is not over yet!

She would not forget the harm they caused to her parents and her back then!

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